Saturday, June 30, 2018



According to the left-leaning commentator Mehdi Hasan:  Mr. Obama may have been the most polarizing political figure in our nation’s history. (See; the, “Confronting the Consequences of Obama’s Foreign Policy” Mehdi Hasan (June 22, 2018)

Near the end of his tenure, while in the White House, Mr. Obama threw his support to the worst possible Democrat candidate—Mrs Hillary Clinton—a compromised, corrupt,  political-baggage-encumbered, unappealing individual with high negatives and weak national support.  She had been soundly rejected by the Democrat voters in the 2000 primaries. As a top cabinet official ,  she interlaced her official business as Secretary of State with her husband’s foreign “influence selling” efforts via the phony slush fund called the Clinton Global Initiative.  He operated abroad using his connection with (at that time) the current Secretary of State (and the presumptive future Clinton-president) to garner hundreds of millions of dollars for the Clinton Global Initiative.  This organization acted as a slush fund for Hillary Clinton political activists, supporters and hangers on, to formally support her political aspirations, to pay for opposition research, and as a source of personal income for the Clintons. These unethical (illegal) operations and communications of collusion between husband and (a top cabinet official) wife necessitated that Hillary be able to avoid scrutiny of her politically-damning emails, text messages and other messages.  As a consequence of these compromising activities she was strongly motivated  to use a private, unsecured email account to protect her from government regulations and damaging political revelations,  but that exposed her official communications to hacking by foreign powers. These shortcomings were to lead to her undoing and to much embarrassment and loss for her party and for the nation as a whole.  (Sometimes one wonders would we have been better served as a nation had these two Clintons never emerged from under that rock in Arkansas.)  

Early in the run up to the 2016 elections, it became abundantly clear to the Obama inner circle of the strength of the Republican candidate and the  political weaknesses of Mr. Obama’s choice of “heir apparent”: Mrs. Clinton.  .  These uncertainties may have surfaced as a result of the decisive primary wins of the GOP candidate over an impressive field of 16 candidates and   the revelations of misdeeds and illegal actions of Hillary Clinton, and her private email server.  These activities had led to  criminal investigations by the FBI into her use and misuse of her “home brew” email provider.  

The Obama Administration steeped as it was in an enclosed, secretive, executive  governing architecture that Mr Obama had established and used over his seven plus years in office, it was only natural for his close knit team to turn these sinister established Oval Office practices toward undermining and smearing the GOP opposition candidate whom Obama clearly  considered as a threat to his “legacy”.   Thus Obama and the elites at the highest level of powerful government agencies (FBI, Justice, NSA, CIA) initiated politically motivated “investigations’’ into the Trump campaign seeking damaging information to be used in the campaign.  

Let us be clear, they—the Obama team—politicized the most powerful, intrusive investigative organizations of the government and turned them into political weapons to undermine an opposition political candidate.  They used FBI informants and FBI agents as early as May 2016 to probe the Trump team and perhaps “set them up” for entrapment in some form of illegality.  They utilized the Clinton-paid-for “Steele” sleazy opposition-research document and used this as if it was actual government sponsored “intelligence” which it was not.  Thus was born  “Russian Collusion” charges.  The Obama team was unsuccessful in their early efforts.  And as the election approached all the polls were indicating (incorrectly)   that Clinton would win.  These erroneous predictions permitted  the top  agents in the FBI and Justice to feel confident that their immoral and unethical “efforts” to undermine a political opponent in a national election would never be revealed.   Perhaps,  they were even encouraged into more egregious actions in the belief that the winner (Clinton) would, post election,  pat them on the back and give them a promotion!  

However, Trump was elected and the plans and schemes of the Obama-team perpetrators found themselves in dire jeopardy of exposure and retribution.   It was at this period, that he most egregious policies of the Obama “lame duck” presidency took place as Obama and the hold-over elements in his administration attempted to continue the phony investigations into the Russian collusion scheme to undermine the new president and unseat a legitimately elected president.  

  Obama encouraged and directed the politicization of the most powerful government agencies in this process to oppose what he saw as a threat to his “legacy” (as unsavory as it was).   That sealed his fate as Mr. Hasan has stated, “as the most polarizing political figure in our nation’s history.” 

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