Thursday, September 6, 2018



The once great American press has sadly become part of what is looking more and more like a hysterical mob. Yes they and a good part of the Democrat resistors and the McCain Republicans are part of the lawless mobs depicted in our western literature (Oxbow Incident) and our 19th century Texas myths from the lawless land west of the Pecos River where the infamous  “hanging judge” old Judge Roy Bean held court in a saloon—wher he permitted anonymous allegations to stand as facts.

A good part of the hysteria and horrible excesses we are experiencing  is derived from the fact of the utter powerlessness of the Democrats and their allies and facilitators in the media and government.  I have been around since the Franklin Roosevelt’s Administration and have never seen a President treated in this way by the media, the establishment, the Republicans and Democrats too.

Over those long years I have never seen the Democrat Party so disorganized and so powerless.  The end product of the Clinton and Obama/Clinton years have been bad for the Party.  They succumbed to corruption of the Clintons and weakness and vacillation of the Obama period.  They were badly defeated in 2016 and literally beaten into a corner.  Let’s be clear...they have no vestige of political power.  They lost the governorships many years back, they lost the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Presidency and after these Senate hearings today...Judge Kavanaugh is gong to replace the “not so conservative” retiring Supreme Court Justice Kennedy on the Supreme Court bench. So they lost the Supremes too.

With the seating of Judge Kavanaugh on the High Court, that body will become a truly conservative 5-4 court.  But that is not the most egregious thrust of the sword.  Think of this: how long will it take  nature and intercranial arterial stenosis to vacate another seat filled today by a very liberal and very elderly member  of the court?  That shattering event may occur long before the end of Mr. Trump’s first term.

These are the “political facts on the ground” that make the Democrat banshees howl.  This is why The NY Times has abandoned its high journalism to become a third rate screed for unsubstantiated and anonymous rantings, where more than 90% of the media coverage of Trump is negative.  And in a environment where mob “resistors” attack Trump officials and family members on the streets of DC, where mad men shoot up GOP base ball players, where hypocrites who are employed by the Administration take  voters money as salary—then scheme undermine the votes of those same citizens by working to undermine the President’s agenda.  An agenda that was posited by 63 million voters.  Then these hypocrites who do not understand that the power to govern comes only from the votes of the people, call themselves “supporters of democracy”.   They do no understand the word.

The establishment, the deep state, the media allies and the Democrats realize that they can not win via the legitimate ballot-box method. In their weakened state they see their survival as dependent upon the removal of a sitting President. .  All that is left to them— is illegitimate means—unseating Mr. Trump by means of deep state  collusion,  phony and illegitimate investigations, establishment conspiracy, Democrat secret cabals, phony medaa stories,  and anonymous allegations touted as fact.  The Democrats and their political allies and water carriers are weak, cornered and desperate.  Their ugly, desperate and dangerous behavior continues to underscore that fact over and over again.  The NY Times op-ed piece is nothing new—we all knew of these “deep state” traitors...they have simply made it clear who and where they are.

But this is not a “loyal opposition”.  The resistors are willing to take down the entire nation to get at one man.  They are the real threat.  

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