Monday, February 17, 2020

Rush Limbaugh a homophobe? No!

Rush Limbaugh recently commented negatively on presidential candidate Pete Buttiigieg’s openly expressed  homosexuality and same sex marriage.

Limbaugh was immediately labeled a “homophobe” by the main stream “progressive” media.  

Homophobia is a misnomer coined by homosexuals to obscure the reality of their behavior.  (Let us not ignore the pain and suffering of youthful victims of sexual predators as well as the economic fall out of massive abuse case suits, in the billions of dollars, against the Diocese of Catholic Churches and  the Boy Scouts of America).

Men do not experience “homophobia” when they are forced to encounter blaring homosexuality.  They experience only revulsion.  The term “homophobia” suggests ”fear” of homosexuals.  There is no fear.  The actual feelings engendered are closer to disgust and revulsion. The sensation is akin to that experienced watching someone at your dinner table determined to verbally express themselves forcefully  with their mouth full of partly chewed food.  Thus a more accurate term for this form of human aberration  is “homorevlsion” not homophobia.

Rush Limbaugh is not homophobic but simply expressing a form of  valid homorevulsion.

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