Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 The Democrats and their co-conspirators the “main stream media” distort the news and ignore events that do not fit into their plots, schemes and narrative  designed to advance their  political purposes. In this manner the  media and the Democrats continually ignored the growing violence and destruction of the BLM and Antifa instigated riots which have rocked the nation—calling them “peaceful demonstrations” while the nation’s voters—sitting before their TV sets could clearly experience  the violence, burning  buildings, chanting crowds throwing bricks and Molotov cocktails, and the billowing smoke of fire and tear gas canisters, all with their own eyes.  

The other story that does not fit into the strategy or narrative  line of the Dems and their media supporters is the Chinese origin of the corona virus and its use by Chinese’s officials  as a weapon.  These practitioners of lies and deception  would rather continue plugging away at the old Russia collusion hoax—than face the reality of the real and imminent Chinese threat. 

For example: 

During a speech in Wilmington, Delaware, (September 4, 2020) candidate Joe Biden’s speech writers had him read a line off of his teleprompter in which he absolves China from all responsibility for the Corona virus pandemic, claiming “all pain and suffering (from the pandemic) stems from President Trump’s failure to lead ”....This  line of distortion and deception is right there in equivalence in falsity with:  “Those people throwing rocks and beating that man with a bat are peaceful demonstrators.”

Since we can not trust the USA journalists we can turn to others outside of the USA via the internet who have a better grasp of reality and are  unaffected by Trump derangement syndrome  and hatred for the USA. 

The India Times published a an article entitled: How China locked down internally for Covid 19 , but pushed foreign travel  (April 30, 2020, Sandip Sen, in the “Economic Times” section)  

The author, Sandip Sen,  claims that new evidence from internet and  air traffic data confirms that China  “intentionally or otherwise” secretly locked down its cities to reduce the spread of the virus originating  in Wuhan  but aggressively pursued  a policy of increased foreign travel for its citizens from Wuhan.  This action led to a deadly worldwide  explosion of the virus eventually known as covid 19. . That act was to lead to a disastrous  pandemic which as of this writing  (September 8, 2020), has caused nearly 30 million cases and almost one million deaths worldwide.  As of today the USA  has suffered a massive economic upheaval, job losses, unemployment,  social unrest and the tragic loss of 180,000 lives attributable to the virus. 

The India Times author,  writes that in early January, in a “wet-market” in central Wuhan,  a virus outbreak occurred which Chinese medical professionals identified as a Corona virus Which exhibited high transmissibility from  human to human.  On January 1, the virus claimed its first life in Wuhan,  and two days later (Jan 3) the first case outside  of China was reported in Thailand. These events alerted experts in China of the ease of transmission and ability of the virus to spread rapidly. 

At a January 22, 2020 meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO) executive committee the Chinese report on the Wuhan virus outbreak was suppressed.   It is reported widely that the committee was strong armed by the Chinese to avoid revelations that were unfavorable  to China   At the conclusion  —the very organization responsible for disseminating such data in a timely fashion and which had it acted could have saved many lives —was not permitted to air the facts about the transmissibility and seriousness of the threat to world health due to Chinese pressure and the ignorance or culpability director (Tedros Ghebreyesus)    

But not withstanding its claims at the WHO that the virus was not threatening world health China on January 23, closed down Wuhan as well as all of Hubei province, locking down 50 million people in that province into to a brutal quarantine.  Chinese authorities also stopped all domestic flights  to Beijing and Shanghai to prevent transmission of the disease to those cities. But at the same time it “urged Chinese international flight carriers to maintain their schedules and continue to transport to nations which have not imposed travel restrictions.”   China claims that it made that decision to meet  the needs of Chinese passengers and international transport of supplies ( needed in China). But in hindsight that one decision exposed the entire world to the virus and generated a world shaking pandemic.  

 Chinese perfidy did not end there.   At the February 3, meeting of the WHO, Director Ghebreyesus supported or was coerced into supporting  the (false ) Chinese claim that all was well for international travel from and to China.  

His statement : “There is no reason to interfere with international trade and travel”..That  statement should go be emblazoned on this man’s tomb as one of the most death dealing  statements in modern world history.  President Trump had closed down all Chinese air traffic on the previous day (Feb 2) and at the meeting the Chinese complained about the US actions—withdrawing it embassy staff, and  being the first natiion to impose a travel ban on China. At home the President ways vilified for his actions as xenophobic by Joe Biden himself. 

Ghebreyesus and Chinese officials  effectively kept the WHO from declaring the outbreak a pandemic until 11h of March, when they belatedly made that call.  The nations of the world were by that time already infected by the steams of Chinese tourists, travelers and business people who  were permitted to travel internationally but could not fly to Beijing. These nations were sadly unprepared for what came next   The rest is history, of suffering death and economic disaster.  

We should not forget that the Chinese could have acted as responsible world citizens —instead they seem to have used their knowledge of the nature of the and threat of the virus to world health as  a political and economic weapon against the west whom they apparently see as an existential threat to be given no quarter.     

Anyone who tries to whitewash the Chinese acts as something other than a form of covert economic germ warfare, is simply ignorant of the facts, infected with Trump Derqngement Syndrome (TDS)  or possibly like Joe Bidenand  his family ( Hunter Biden in particular) who maintain some economic imperative to ignore the facts. 

Biden and his new left handlers are committing political prevarication  by attempting to absolve  the clearly guilty Chinese (and their facilitator Ghebreyesus) of culpability for the world pandemic, while attempting to further gild that awful deception by trying to blame the President for a world Alerting disastrous pandemic.  

They lie so greviously and so dangerously one wonders —who are they? 

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