Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 Joe Biden is the Democrat stealth candidate.  Stealth candidates misinform the electorate and thus  have no mandate to govern.  In a democracy they are the political “con men (women), an abomination.

In our system of Constitutional representative, government the people, the citizenry, the legitimate voters  are the source of the power to govern. They elect those they want to represent them. Each election should be a sacrosanct event of the transfer of power from one administration to the next  in which it is only the people, the “demos” of the Greek word  “demokratia,” who are the source of the mandate to govern.  

Only the people can transfer the right to govern to their candidate. But an essential  corollary of this right is that the “demos” also have a right and a duty to know the platform, plans and. details of the candidates.  They have a Constitutional right  to information about the candidates.. 

A stealth candidate (“candidate furtif”) is one who knowingly and purposely conceals his or her positions or plans, or purposely misrepresents them.  Most often this is  because their actual plans are so unpopular that if revealed the likelihood of their election would be compromised.  Such a candidate nullifies the underlying basis of the election. The victor in such an election has no valid mandate to govern.

What is also clear is the need for a robust unbiased,  fact-based Fourth Estate which functions to honestly inform the citizenry regarding  the nature of all the candidates and their platforms. Sadly, in this, our mass media have failed us.  

The politicized modern mass media and social media in the Trump era have an agenda of their own.  They ignore the sacred will of the people, and instead have turned toward  positing the view of a few elites. They have embraced the idea of a super intelligent, “scientific”, better-informed elite oligarchy ( oligo = the few).  The “few” in government, academia and the media who have  self-established their own elite status believe that they—the few—know what is best for the more than 320 million of their compatriots.   In doing so they abandon our most elemental  laws, precepts, and precedents embodied in our Constituion.  These so called “journalists”, rather than functioning to inform the electorate,  instead conspire with the stealth candidate to submerge, conceal and misrepresent the candidate’s agenda  and formal platform.  In 2020, Joe Biden has become the most recent example of the  “stealth candidate”.

What is Biden and his campaign hiding?  

Biden’s campaign is both literally and virtually buried away in his dark, dank Delaware basement.  Biden is an old man. He is hiding his own physical frailty and mental decline. But far worse than that, he is concealing and misrepresenting his far left social, economic and domestic agenda.  A platform he has agreed to to gain the nomination in a new far left Democrat party.  He is welcome to present this agenda to the voters,  as there are some who support such a platform. Instead he says ”they don’t deserve to know”.  So he remains a silent con man hoodwinking the electorate  .  His candidacy is a dishonest one. Even if he were to win,  he would have no valid mandate to govern because he has so thoroughly misrepresented himself to the voter. 

We still have time for Biden to come clean and for the journalists to ask candidate Biden some hard questions.  Make him an honest candidate,  who,  if he wins, can actually have a valid mandate to govern. . 

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