Saturday, November 7, 2020

Biden Wins In Tainted Election Has No Mandate

Joe Biden has won. But in a tainted election with the connivance and collusion of the mass media, the Chinese and their Covid virus, massive amounts of money from powerful elites  and the corrupt election practices of several key states which gave him only the slimmest  (suspicious) margin of victory.   

His party lost seats in the House. Latinos and Blacks went for Trump in record numbers The Senate remains in GOP hands.    The Supreme Court is more conservative than in the last 50 years  Thre was no “blue wave”.   Joe remains at the head of a constituency of the fringe far left, populated by the BLM movement, radical feminists, the LBGT xyz community,  socialists,  and other malcontents.  

 God help him.

 He faces powerful forces on his left and right, a pandemic, a faltering economy in the fragile early stages of recovery and a nation as divided and angry as it was in pre Civil War in 1860. He has little chance of success. 

Joe sold himself as a unifier and  “not Donald Trump” and nothing more. He has no legitimate mandate. 

But Joe does have a choice. He could be a great transformative president who will bring peace and unity, or a Carter-style disaster who will be swept out and replaced by a more tactful, traditional but true Trumpian Republican in 2024.  

To be that transformer Jie must uncover an inner source of great courage and force of character   Both of which have been in little evidence in his stealth and “basement” campaign.  

Yes he can be that great unifier,  by simply coming to terms with what was apparent to all in this last lingering election-the fact that fully half of this nation are traditionalists with needs and aspirations. These are  the vast, nationally ubiquitous,  conservative, family oriented, hard working, god fearing, gun toting, life-affirming, bible loving, race and gender neutral. law and order abiding, white, black, Hispanic, Asian folk who love this nation, love freedom, economic opportunity and dearly want to see it prosper.   His acknowledgement and support of the legitimacy of these massive numbers of  American citizens, their culture and values, (termed “irredeemables” and worse by his supporters,) would go a long way to healing the nation’s wounds.   

His politicians empty campaign words of “unity” would then become real .   But that would mean alienating the powerful radical forces on the extreme left he has made  a Faustian bargain with,  and which this election has demonstrated  is so unpopular with so many American voters.  

Does Joe have it?  Or is he only another hack politician living high for fifty years on the taxpayers dime seeking a new and softer bed in the White House and even bigger more lucrative “deals” and emoluments for his family and the infamous Hunter?

Joe has a choice.  

Let’s all pray that he finds that inner courage.   

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