Sunday, March 28, 2021


 President Xi Jinping of China has plans for world domination.  He would like to make all of Asia and the East Pacific rim his own backyard.  To accomplish this he strengthened his economy, entangled weak nations in Africa and elsewhere into trade dependency and near economic bondage or subjugation, improved his nations infrastructure, and grown his air and navy services into modern formidable forces.  His ground forces are massive.  Chinese  objectives are no secret.  Chairman Xi announces these regularly and openly.  But what we do not know is when he will make his move or where.  Will it be in the South China Sea, to bully the Philippines, or in South Korea?  Will he threaten Austrailia again?  O will it be a military attack on Taiwan? 

It has been in the cataclysmic events of this last year—of pandemic— which has permitted us a glimpse into the mind of the not-so-inscrutable Mr Xi.  Premier XI made his thought process perfectly clear when he banned all domestic flights from plague-ravaged Wuhan province—where the massive deaths from Covid had the crematoria running day and night without stop. But in that clearly critical time when he could have contained the plague and prevented a world pandemic —he did not ban international flights from plague ravaged Wuhan. Was it purposeful?  How else can we interpret it?   No one in Wuhan was permitted to leave to go to China’s capital city Beijing, but there we no limits on flights to LA, or NYC, Paris or Milan. Many Chinese escaped the plague in Wuhan by flying to the west —becoming pandemic vectors. 

In earlier times, such an act, might be considered bio-warfare, and  a causus belli.   But leaders (and the media) of western nations—with a few exceptions—either ignored the facts or made elaborate excuses for the Chinese—who have so many economic tentacles in high places, which effectively discourage realistic assessments of China’s threats.  

China’s sinister plans worked to that nation’s  advantage.   The pandemic undermined the economy of the west. It  caused massive disruptions in employment, in economics, military preparedness, and turned all eyes inward to deal with face masks, food and toilet tissue shortages, death and disease.  But it strengthened the position of the Communist Chinese state in relationship to the USA and the west.  The pandemic worked for them. They moved closer to reaching their goals. 

China’s political goal for the USA was to get rid of Mr. Trump whom they despised and feared. Their hope was to replace him with a President who would be more amenable to China’s long range agenda .  Mr. Biden was the Chinese choice  The two men have known each other a long time, and the Biden family has long-term business ties and investments for many years with China. The massive spy network the Chinese maintain in the USA, no doubt diligently operated to manifest these preferences in any way they could to weaken one candidate and support the other. 

So is Xi ready to make his move for world domination now?  The Pentagon planners think that Premier Xi’s  move is a few years away.  That seems wishful thinking. 

I think they are wrong. The time is now.  

China sees the USA as poorly led and in political disarray.  They view the USA  economic situation as compromised by the pandemic. and its militarily readiness threatened by a leadership that has spent $4 trillion in its first two months in office on questionable domestic issues. This spending is designed to pander to its domestic base of supporters. The massive outlay of funds practically precludes any further spending, such as on the military.  It is clear that any further expenditures—needed perhaps to sustain a war—would only further compromise a weakened economy.   

China views America’s  leadership as weak, inexperienced and divided.  They see a massive chink in the armor of the USA, a nation led by the oldest man in US history to hold that position. This “alter furz”. leader—unlike Xi in China— is clearly suffering from the normal frailties of advanced years. His lack of energy, confusion, short-fuse temper, limited periods of mental  concentration, limited work day, low energy, and resistance to change are all weaknesses to take advantage of.   They see the US President surrounded by advisors  which are inexperienced, or are advocates of far left fringe political positions that are unpopular at home—another source of political frailty to the Chinese advantage.   The US nation is —unlike China— divided against itself , with the left obsessed with issues of race, gender, and sexual orientation, and non—issues of  “me tooism”, “inclusivity” and “diversity”, and as well with revisionist history and additions to the lexicon of prohibited words.  But the open disdain and often outright hatred of the media and left politicians for more than half of the “other”, the so called “neanderthals” of its citizenry has the impact of an Israeli wall of separation.  


These phenomena are all so ‘old style Communist’ you would think that Xi would admire them  But Premier Xi experienced himself the evils and abject failures of the Communist Cultural Revolution and abandoned that terrible idea many years ago.  He must be so amused to see a communist style phony cultural revolution crop up here  in the USA. Amused he may be but, he is also willing to use this stupidity as another weakness of he USA to turn to China’s advantage. 

Unlike in China, the USA  is obsessed with feminizing, transexualizing, and racially “balancing” its military forces and military. leadership.  The Chinese must have noted that the Pentagon itself has been charged with making critical appointment positions—not based on merit alone—but on attempts to balance some vague, undefined racial, gender or transexual quotas. 

They—as practical Chinese— know that such decisions may improve what they consider meaningless issues of “inclusivity  and diversity”  but do not make for a robust and effective fighting force.  The Chinese care little of what a solider looks like, only how well that soldier will fight and win for them. 

So the Chinese see the USA as a weakened nation that will be unwilling and unable to respond fiercely and decisively to  Mr. Xi’s  planned new aggressive and militarily-assertive China.  China is now on the move to establish its hegemony in Asia. Perhaps this very day it is planning a military takeover of Taiwan, or complete abrogation of the 1995 Hong Kong agreement. They see a weak USA that they can push aside with impunity and acheive their goals of hegemony in the far east. 

Xi Jinping is poised to make his move.  Expect it! 

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