Monday, May 31, 2021



The New York Times, May 30, 2021.  Opinion, Charles M. Blow, “Is America’s Democracy Slipping Away?” 

In his opinion piece on how American democracy is weakened by alleged white racism Mr Blow uses the term “whites or white  people” nine times, always in a derogatory way. All the ills of the nation are settled on just one race.  Blow, painting with a very broad brush incriminates all “whites”  as the root cause of the ills of our Black citizenry.  One just has to substitute “Jewish” for “white” in Mr. Blow’s article  to take us back to `1933 in the waning days of the Weimar Republic of Germany to get the sense of how insidious and corrupting this kind of “racial blaming” is.    

Perhaps Mr. Blow should direct his superior skills as a journalist and writer to remembrance—not of past injuries—but of the common, heart felt, passionate and often self-sacrificing efforts of millions upon millions of Mr low’s  “co-humans” who inhabit this nation, but happen to have a pale complexion —‘the whites” who, on the behalf of those of his complexion—sacrificed their lives to end slavery in the Civil War.  And more recently for those “whites” who ignored  their well-being  and positions to pursue unpopular efforts  in uncountable  social, and political ways to make this nation a more equitable place for all to live.   He ignores those millions of white voters who elected our first Black President, He forgets the many laws passed by whites to advance and protect our Black citizens.  He pointedly overlooks affirmative action and all the set-aside seats at elite universities, and opportunities opened for Blacks  `in government, industry, academia and journalism—and yes even for an illustrious  column-space on the the Great Gray Lady of Times Square where one can pontificate writing on presumed racial injustice. 

And in answer to the title question: Yes,  Mr. Blow. dmocracy can slip away, too easily, and writing hate-filled opinion pieces to stir racial animosity and discord can only increase that awful likelihood.

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