Tuesday, April 26, 2022


 The French had their election on Sunday.  Now comes the time of “buyers remorse” and the recriminations. The French legacy press, the French establishment and even distant foreign nations, and many of the “27”, all had their harsh words attempting to undermine the so called “far right” or “frightening” nationalist-populist candidate Marine Le Pen.  The National Rally candidate was universally demeaned in the legacy press. She was “Trumped” with phony charges of being a Russian stooge, as well as a “crook” who was being “investigated” by the EU for misappropriation of funds.  But even with the biased and vicious press, the unfair questions, and the fake news attacks more than 42% of the French electorate voted for Le Pen.  Who were they?  Typical French workers, the small businessman and woman, farmers, the exurbanites, those with lower incomes and the young.   In other words the “forgotten of France”.  More than 13 million French voted for the so called “far right” candidate.  The Macron voters were mostly the urban, upper middle class, the pensioners and elderly, and those connected to the Parisian establishment.  Almost 9% of the votes that were cast were protest votes. Those protest votes were by those who would not vote for Macron. The French needed a  change, they got a return to control by the Parisian oligarchy, and liberalism which has angered and divided the nation over the last five years.  

Looking at this election from the across the pond from America….one can not but liken it to our 2020 election——and the Biden disaster which followed. For La France we hope that does not happen to our oldest ally.   

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