Tuesday, September 6, 2022


 Joe Biden has taken  to desperate acts…calling 75 million Americans who voted Republican in the last election “semi-facists” and MAGA “extremists”.  But like the topsy-turvy Orwellian world that Joe is trying to create out of once great, America—it is  President Biden who is the real extremist. 

Let’s count the ways!

 Who was elected during a pandemic under strained, irregular and unusual circumstances with a slim 11,000 vote plurality in several swing states. This President had no mandate from the voters for radical change….and who then governed as if he won a landslide victory? 

Who made the fiscally radical decision to cut the robust and profitable fossil fuel industry off at the knees, threaten them with extinction and with that act, initiate a spike in gasoline prices which led to an unprecedented 9% surge in inflation— unseen in 40 years?

Who made the ill-advised, hasty and radical decision to chaotically withdraw our military from Afghanistan, leaving behind massive US military infrastructure, large amounts of American weapons, ammo and materiel and thousands of staff, loyal Afghans and US dependents to the rag tag Taliban militia. 

Then who in his first two years in office Biden radically added fuel to the inflationary conflagration he started by spending trillions dollars we do not have.  Our national receipts from taxes is only about $4 trillion annually.  Radical spendthrift Biden spent all of that as well as an additional $2 trillion that he put on the cuff—for our children to pay for in years to come.  Joe Biden spent money like a sailor on shoreleave.  Biden has taken our national debt to over  $30 trillion dollars, the highest in US history. 

This radical President inherited a peaceful world which he and his polices inflamed into war, and nuclear threat. He plunged the world into a new Cold War with Russia, a proxy war in Eastern Europe where the real threat of either a nuclear accident which could potentially affect the globe, as well as the real threat of a nuclear exchange with Russia.   Biden ignored the impending threats of invasion of Ukraine from Russia. He  ignored his often touted experience and “world-leadership” as he sat by and permitted the disastrous outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine that Biden could have help modulate or end.  Instead his policies inflamed the situation. He “fiddled as Ukraine burned” and permitted the cancer of war to grow in Eastern Europe.  His radical and unwise “economic response” to the Russian invasion was to sanction that nation’s oil and gas exports—which only increased the shortages of fossil fuels and exasperated the inflationary spiral. His intention to hurt Russia only dragged the USA and Europe suffering from Biden caused fuel shortages and inflation into deeper economic peril. 

The impact of his sanctions plan against Russia hurt not only the USA but brought down the economies of Germany, France and the rest  of Europe. The radical incompetent Biden team engineered world recession (with the UK now expecting 22% inflation)  and will be remembered as one of the most economically damaging policies ever instituted in all of US history.   

While these radical policies were being implemented in DC   this most far left and radical of all US Presidents was studiously ignoring the massive humanitarian and security problem going on on our southern border where thousands of illegal economic migrants from South America and elsewhere in the world streamed across our southern border on a daily basis. The first act our 46th President upon entering the White House was to exclaim that there was a new ¨humane” immigration policy on the southern border.  This radical policy —a siren call to immigrants, drug dealers and human traffickers—simply informed the world that the Biden border was open.  His radical pronouncement increased the surge of illegals to unprecedented levels.  Millions crossed over the border..causing an embarrassing pile up of illegal humanity along our southern border states.  To hide this embarrassment from the nation Biden instituted a secret “dead of night air lift” which relieved the imagery of chaos at the border  by flying plane loads of illegals into sanctuary cities in the north.  

His plans for social engineering and social justice led to a “race to the bottom”, in our high schools colleges and universities…where “social justice polices” and equity of outcome polices have eliminated competitive tests and helped to dumb down, and weaken America’s former intellectual and educational dominance.

Biden and his radical team of social engineers are not able to define what a “woman’ is.

As a consequence of his defund the police policies—recently and insincerely back peddled—he has been the cause of unprecedented rise in racial tensions and a massive and frightening increase in crime…

Biden radical polices are turning America into a third world country, before our very eyes.

He is the radical we should be fearful of. 


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