Tuesday, March 25, 2014



There has been unrest in Mexico City, where anti-government demonstrators have been camped in the Plaza Central for several weeks. The demonstrations and counter measures by the government have recently turned violent. Twelve indigenous people and two Mezitos were killed when gunfire erupted from the demonstrators and government troops sent to evict the demonstrators from their encampments returned fire. The conflict centers around the opposition of Mexico’s indigenous populations to what they describe as “overly pro-American” anti-native polices and the questionable “financial ties” of President Orlando O’Ryan-Gutierrez to American interests. O’Ryan-Gutierrez, the scion of an American-Mexican family has been in power for the last six years. O’Ryan- Gutierrez’ recent decision to permit the American Company, Ryan Holdings LLC of San Antonio Texas to evict natives and small scale farmers from their land to exploit, vast areas of Mexican natural gas reserves in the southern states of Veracruz and Oaxaca, became the flashpoint incident which set off the original demonstrations.

Gutierrez and his supporters claim that the demonstrations are being incited and supported by foreign interests. They specifically point to Gazprom, the giant state-owned Russian natural gas company, as an instigator. Gazprom is openly supported by Russian-government “KGB” elements who have been actively involved in inciting and supporting anti- government demonstrators. These Russian infiltrators have carried literally carloads of rubles to Mexico where they are converted to Mexican Pesos and passed out to the most violent type of demonstrators. These foreign funds are also used to purchase damaging anti government propaganda. Russian Parliamentarians, Duma members and other officials have actually flown in to Mexico City to encourage and support the demonstrators. A leaked telephone conversation from a Russian agent to the notorious KGB operative, Виктория Ηоваяземля operating in Mexico City, revealed that Ηоваяземля was supplying money, food, tents and even Kalashnikov weapons to the demonstrators. (Ηоваяземля is a well-known former KGB agent who is a supporter of violence and regime change in other countries. Ηоваяземля while in Mexico uses the Spanish “nom de guerre” "Nuevatierra"). Intercepted messages sent by “Nuevatierra” to her handlers in Moscow also revealed that the ultimate goal of the infiltrators from Moscow was to delegitimize, undermine, and remove the pro-American Gutierrez government and replace it with a pro-Russian regime. The new pro-Russian client state is expected to be more compliant to Russian directives. The new Mexican government would distance Mexico from its military commitments to the USA and direct it into the financial and political sphere of Russia.

These events in Mexico have caused great fear and consternation in Washington. Such an outcome is seen within the Beltway as an existential threat to our nation. Military experts in Washington reveal that were this regime-change to take place, literally right on our doorstep, it would have drastic financial effects on the USA, and likely deepen our present economic downturn. Furthermore, if Russia were able to establish a home-port for its new submarine fleet in the Gulf of Mexico, they could literally threaten Washington DC and all US financial centers with their new Dolphin Class sea-to-land rockets.

Mexico is an important element of the USA’s sphere of influence, both politically and economically. Fifty percent of Mexico's foreign trade is with the USA. It is a political ally, as well as a source of massive profits to US and US-based industries, such as those of the electronics, automotive and petroleum sectors. The President and his cabinet shivered at the prospect of these sectors falling away from the grasp of Americans and into the hands of a foreign power. President Obama has been meeting with his cabinet and military planners in secret sessions in the sub-sub-basement war room. They are very puzzled why Russia would be so unthinking and so unaware of the consequences of their actions. Surely the Russians should have known that such threatening behaviors were likely to generate a firm response. How did they think they could get away with it?


The massive demonstrations in Mexico City have taken a bad turn. In the face of increasingly violent acts of civil unrest, the legitimately elected President of Mexico, Orlando O. Gutierrez, has fled that City and taken refuge over the border in San Antonio, Texas. From there he has repeated again and again to US news outlets that he is still the legitimate president of Mexico. However, the indigenous rebels, with support from Russia have actually taken over all of the government buildings in Mexico, City. They have the central radio and TV stations and have posted armed men with Kalashnikov assault rifles at the train stations and airports.

Many Americans living in the retirement communities throughout Mexico are calling for help from their government in Washington. Cell phone lines are hot with calls to the US. Smartphone videos of atrocities against pro-American elements in Mexico have gone viral on the internet. Heart-rending pictures of of tired, elderly Americans with their pets and baggage queuing up at the now-closed air terminals have aroused great consternation in the USA and Washington. Congressmen have called on the President to act. Senators are giving table thumping speeches. The President has set aside some prime time on television for a speech to the nation.


Yesterday, without warning, the USA launched an attack on the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula. The president asserted he had no choice but to protect the lives and interests of American citizens caught in the civil unrest. In a long speech to the nation he pointed out the dangers of having a “foreign nation” so close to our borders. He revealed that he had sent a task force to protect our Gulf of Mexico from foreign intrusion. As he spoke, helicopter gunships from the USS flattop “Jimmy Carter” lying off the Yucatan peninsula, landed troops simultaneously at the shore sites of Cancun, Progresso, and Campeche located all along the north shore of the Yucatan. The US forces landed safely and were met with no resistance. The mostly happy and inebriated American tourists in these venues greeted the US troopers with with cold bottles of Dos Equis, opened bottles of tequila with salt and lemon wedges and frosty mojitas. Troops landing at the coastal enclave of Progresso moved quickly inland to take the largest city in the Peninsula, Merida without incident. President Obama’s actions were widely and jubilantly hailed as necessary and expedient. Vehicles all over the nation were seen sporting the Stars and Stripes taped to their radio antennae. Praise for Obama has flooded in from all over the nation. Obama’s poll numbers have soared. He has protected the nation from a terrible threat.

Mexico and the rest of South America complained to the OAS....but there was little that that organization could do.

Today local news outlets report that the shallow-sea way between Isla Mujeres and Cancun City was being dredged to prepare a secure harbor facility for the Jimmy Carter” and some of the larger American ships. A land based port facility was bing built in Cancun to supply the new dock areas designated for large military vessels. In the interior of the Peninsula it is reported from journalists that a vast forest clearing project was under way in the central Yucatan for a large US “embassy” and military installation. The new facility is to be called “Freedom Peninsula”.

Get the picture?

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