Wednesday, February 10, 2016



Last week during the Republican debate in New Hampshire, Governor Chris Christie, exposed the " robo oratory" of Marco Rubio with a verbal repost as cutting and devastating as the "Senator you are no Jack Kennedy" remark of made by Lloyd Bentsen to Dan Quayle during the vice presidential debate in 1988. Christie's tough remark exposed Senator Marco Rubio as a verbal robot, mouthing canned, non sequitur, shibboleth remarks over and over again. In doing so, he may have significantly changed the course of the campaign. Christie may have saved the Republic from a phony, weak candidate, and a tool of the special interest mega-donors, and GOP establishment and elites who support him. We should all give Christie an award for his efforts.

Rubio, who has a cherubic face, a charming smile, and is an able orator--one of the few in the Republican field--but it seems he has few ideas, positions or policies of his own. He mouths only the prepared script that he has cleared with his powerful and controlling mega donors. Rubio's overriding fear is "going off script". He is well aware that if he veers from his prepared talking points, his funding may be abruptly withdrawn and directed elsewhere. This explains his "deer in the headlights" expression and sweaty face as he sought repeatedly to keep to a few "safe" lines in his responses to Christie and his other speeches. Christie forced him off course last week, and exposed him as a "robo" tool and puppet of the mega donor class. It should have the Dan Quayle effect.

Perhaps Gov Chris Christie did not foresee that his act of bravura, chutspah, Jersey-tough-guy behavior during the Republican 2016 New Hampshire debate would do....but like a brave soldier who sees a smoking hand grenade roll into his squad's foxhole...he didn't think. He just threw himself on it. At lest that's what I like to think. He acted to protect the nation from this unprepared undesirable candidate. That's how I look at his remarks.

It is a sad commentary on our political system to learn that Christie "got the call" from the establishment Republicans--who actually support Rubio--because he is a tool--a puppet, who like the Manchurian candidate is under the control of evil, hidden and powerful forces.

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