Friday, February 26, 2016



Last night's GOP, CNN debate (February 25, 2016) revealed that Cruze and Rubio obediently served their donor-master's requests to act as attack dogs against the obvious leader of the GOP race: Donald Trump. In the melee, one observed what appeared to be two little snapping and snarling terriers take on the big junk-yard dog. It was good theater, but did not change the equation. The desperate combo roughed their leader up a bit, a torn ear and a grazed shoulder perhaps, but they did not dislodge the big dog from his commanding position.

The big question asked by the TV commenters this morning was, "why did Rubio not do this earlier?" That was a key question. The answer is revealing. He was directed to do it---by his donors and handlers. It is clear, Rubio takes orders---along with that donor money. That is the difference between a leader...Trump....and his opponents, who are (almost all) puppets of the shadowy men behind the scene, and as such part of the Republican's problem.

And it remains clear that Trump is And remains the leader. Trump has led the pack through this long campaign. He has set the agenda and radically changed the debate with his own initiatives as he carries a growing army of present and former Republican voter constituents along with him. In the first debates, he introduced the immigration fiasco. He proposed "the wall". He systematically burst many of the hollow myths the Republican Party has perpetuated. He took on its false heroes (arguing that a pilot who disobeyed orders on which targets to bomb, gets his plane shot down and then is imprisoned is not everyone's definition of a hero). He told the truth about the disaster of the Iraq War. He argued that George Bush did not keep us safe. He defended aspects of Obama Care, and even of defunding all of Planned Parenthood. He has set in motion a revitalization of the Party. It is becoming apparent that Trump is the leader of a new and powerful political movement. His movement is dragging a reluctant Republican Party away from the dark isolated corner it has inhabited for too long where it kept company with a tiny cave-dwelling minority of its fragmented constituency.

Last night, standing in the middle between his two attackers in front of an audience of mostly establishment types, Trump courageously defended his--yes-- more moderate positions. While far-right, arch-conservatives Rubio and Cruze attacked Trump's defense of aspects of the Affordable Care Act, Trump held his ground as he argued that "he would not let people die on the streets". The two "purist" conservatives snarling on his flanks seemed to argue loudly and incongruously for that sad outcome to come to pass! More revealingly, Trump the self-funded candidate defended himself on foreign policy regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, when he asserted he would act even-handedly between the Middle East's most virulent and intractable opponents. Rubio and Cruze (both supported by mega donor Koch brothers and single-issue-mega-donor Sheldon Adelson) sticking to the failed play-book of the Republican ultra-right, argued for the failed-GW Bush policy of siding openly with hard-line, blood soaked, and jack-booted Netanyahu.

The voters are speaking clearly. Trump is the new Republican leader. The establishment like any crusted over hard baked entity can not flex with the moving firmament. Cracks are forming and are widening as its fabric is torn. The old guard dig in their heels..trying to hold on as the fissures widen. But they will and must jump on to the moving ice flow or drown. Many will have to eat their own words..some will will lose their jobs.

Trump is leading a real revolution.

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