Sunday, March 13, 2016



William Safire (NY Times Opinion) Jan 8, 1996: " Our First Lady is a congenital liar."

This week Hillary Clinton attended the Nancy Reagan Memorial service. There was no obvious reason for Hillary to pad the truth at a wake and funeral. But Mrs. Clinton, did so anyway. Her relationship with the truth is so tenuous she can not help herself. She apparently believes she has rights concerning the factual world that the rest of us mortals do not have. Then too, she was at funeral service where she must have felt particularly free of any hesitation on invention, the deceased obviously could not respond to correct her falsehoods. So on that occasion, she felt absolutely free of interruption or rebuke to create her own self-serving-reality about Nancy Reagan and her role in the AIDS epidemic with a flat out lie.

"Nancy Reagan was the first to start a conversation about AIDS," she claimed. Perhaps those standing close to the coffin may have heard the muffled sounds of the frail corpse of Mrs. Reagan spinning around and around in her tomb.

Clinton's patently false statement immediately raised a lot of eyebrows. The LGBT community-internet network, well aware that the Reagans were mum on this epidemic and even shunned their old Hollywood friends who were dying of AIDS, glowed red hot with angry tweets and emails concerning this massive whopper. The Clinton clean-up and spin-campaign quickly posted a retraction stating that the candidate "misspoke". The turmoil continued today March13, 2016, when Hillary was forced to take time from her campaign schedule to pen a long dissertation entitled: "On the fight against AIDS and those who really started the conversation", Huffington Post, the Blog, March 13. Though, reported as an "apology"by the Post, no where does the candidate apologies or claim she she misspoke. Why did she do it? Out of a habit of deceit.

No one in the modern media had enough chutzpah to call the front-running Democrat candidate a "liar", as had the bold Mr. Safire of 1996, though that would have been fully appropriate. This nose- stretching Pinnochio-lie was only another deception, falsehood, and invention in a long list of prevarications extending back for this habitual perjurer to the days she served as "First Lady" of Arkansas. Her difficulty with the truth, should be a major factor in eliminating her from contention for our nation's highest office. With her history, the uncertainty factor in any and all of her formal pronouncements would be so high, who would believe her? How could she ever lead the nation?


Sniper-fire in Bosnia in 1996 : "Chelsea and I came under sniper fire when we landed at Tuzla, Bosnia in 1996".

Travel gate: " I had no role in that decision."

Cattle Futures: (Re: $100,000.00 windfall on a $1000.00 investment). "All I did was read the Wall Street Journal."

Disappearance of Vince Foster Documents: " I don't know if my secretary Maggie removed any documents."

Castle Grande Real Estate Scandal: "I know nothing about Castle Grande."

Billing Records For Castle Grande: "My billing records for Castle Grande have vanished."

Monica Lewinsky: "The Lewinski story has been concocted by the right-wing conspiracy press"

Clinton Finances: "We left the White House dead broke."

Keystone Pipeline. " I never took a position on Keystone Pipeline."

Home Brew Email Server: "I used a private system for emails because it was more convenient".

Classified Emails: "I never received or sent emails marked 'classified'".

Benghazi: Email to Chelsea, "Benghazi was a planned terrorist attack." To grieving parents of Benghazi victims over their son's coffins: "Benghazi was the result of that awful YouTube video."

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