Tuesday, March 8, 2016



On the eve of " Super Tuesday II" Mr. Trump is weathering a massive barrage of super pac-funded negative ads funded by the establishment. The media are all against him too, having taken their orders from higher ups to bash this candidate. The airways are thick with anti Trumpisms. But Donald is still holding his own in the nation's polls--north, south, east, and west. The voters all over the nation continue to support him. We will see who wins in Michigan and Florida, that will tell the tale of who has won the battle. Those results will reveal who has won..the 400 megadonors, or the millions of American voters. It will reveal to us all whether we are living in a democracy or an oligarchy.

Mr. Trump is not the ideal candidate. He speaks in hyperbole, and off the cuff. He is not your typical programmed politician. And he is not an ideologue. He is a successful businessman...there is no question. One has only to look at what he has actually built...the many structures which stand over our cities as monuments to his success. One hopes he might bring those talents to Washington, DC. Also, he is a loyal American who loves his country. He is an adequate candidate to sit in the Oval Office. There have been many lesser men there, to be sure.

Trump's great positives for the American nation, and its faltering democracy, are first and most importantly, that he is fracturing the decades long iron-grip of the wealthy few on the Republican Party. The Donald, who takes no money from the oligarchs, can be his own man. He has in plain spoken words parted company with the 400 single issue mega donors, the war mongers, GOP phony myth makers, the political elites, the neocons and "Israel first" lobbyists. All of these elements have had a negative effect on our Nation, in the way the GOP has addressed (or ignored) our foreign policy, our economic imperatives and the existential issues which are the desperate concern of the vast majority of Americans. These so-called "establishment types" have selfishly controlled and directed the Party for too long. The powerful few have used floods of money to elect and banish officials and through cash contributions control the party and its policies. They have contributed to the nation's decline and the depauperation of a vast swath of the Republican coalition....the average working American. All Americans, both Democrats and Republicans, will profit from a renewed democracy when we soundly defeat these groups at the polls and put them back into their respective place (as only a tiny minority group) in the political sphere.

Don't let the elite and monied few destroy what we have left of our democracy. We all win with a resounding slap in the face for those who wish to control our nation for their exclusive benefit at the cost to the many.

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