Thursday, April 18, 2019



Mr. Mueller’s long awaited report is out.  After two years, millions upon millions of tax dollars and tens of thousands of hours of investigations, and court hearings, as well as untold hours of work  by the huge and determined special council team— has found nothing of import.  Mueller concluded that no one in the Trump Administration (“no American”) committed any crimes.   The”resistance” Democrats, the politicized Deep State, the FBI, CIA and elements in the Justice Department  have nothing left to stew over but stale air and moldy verbiage. 

But a faint if futile hope remains to them. That is that they can somehow claim that President Trump committed  “obstruction of justice”.   Mr. Mueller failed to make any investigative call on that issue—leaving the conclusions for Mr. Barr—the present Attorney General to draw on his own (or to “hold the bag”).    In my view, Mr. Mueller tossed this little bone of contention to the fanatical Democrats and thier minions just to give them something to snarl and growl over and perhaps to give cover to the author himself (Mueller) to facilitate  a secretive retreat from public scrutiny.  Mueller must have been  well aware that his lack of candor on this (obstruction) issue was a tactical smoke screen.  He well knew that finding no crime on the “collusion investigation ” would mean that there could be NO OBSTRUCTION charge as well. His last shot  at the President was to leave behind this little bit of slime.  

Obstruction of justice requires prosecutors (or Congress) to prove INTENT— intent to interfere with or prevent an investigation.  But since the President has been cleared of committing any crime,  attempting to demonstrate that he had “intent” becomes impossible \.  How could he have an “intent” to obstruct if he had no crime to hide.  That charge went out the window with the collusion charge. 

Now it’s time to move on!

But (sadly) don’t bet on it. 

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