Saturday, June 15, 2019



I have come to the conclusion that the Democrats did learn something from the 2016 PRESIDENTIAL election. They learned who not to nominate for the upcoming 2020 presidential elections.  In 2016 they chose to support a candidate whom they touted as the “most qualified candidate for US President ever fielded for the highest office in the USA by any party in the nation’s history”.  On the face of it this was perhaps close to the truth. The 2016 Dem candidate served eight years as the bed partner of a US President, where she wad privy to “pillow talk” Eight years later she was handed a Senate Seat to warm, which she occupied for six years.  Then after losing the nomination for the 2008 election she made a deal with President Obama to support him for his promise to offer her the position as Secretary of State, a position she held without distinction for eight years.  In 2016 who could even come close to in her decades of “experience”?  But she also was supported by a powerful and massively funded family slush fund—the Clinton Foundation, the media honored her, the polls predicted her election, the political elite paid her homage. The Obama Administration conspired and colluded with a foreign agents  to undermine her opponent, the Deep State conspired to tilt the vote in her favor.  She out-spent her opponent two to one.  But when the People Spoke at the ballot boxes they rejected the super qualified Democrat candidate.   The Democrat candidate lost in a devastating  Electoral College rout taking only 25 % of the EC votes to her opponent’s 75% or only 227 votes  to  Mr. Trump’s 304 votes.  

The Pary and the candidate went into deep depression and have never quite recovered their composure or their senses.   So continuing to reel from defeat after the passage of more than two years the wise leaders of the Democrats thought that this time around they would try something different.  They would forget—“super qualified” —-and offer the nation a bunch of non-entities (George Will calls them “doofus” candidates) for the Democrat voters to choose from.  

And what a  group of “American Lilliputians” has the Party put on display for 2020.  One must ask how these under and un-qualified, undistinguished individuals had the  effrontery, the chutzpah, the gall to crawl  out form under the respective rocks to make the claim that they consider themselves ready to be a Democrat candidate to lead a nation makes one tremble with fear for our homeland.  

These so-called “candidates for president” eschew any characterization related to “actual qualifications to lead a nation” and base their claims of bona fides on what part of the new 2020 Democrat demographic or client base they could possibly represent.  Thus their “qualifications”  for higher office are based on nothing more than the fact that they lack external genitalia, or perhaps have  XX chromosomes,  or can claim their membership in a national group characterized by regular illegal entry into this nation, or claim that their skin color recommends them for higher office, or even their membership in a sexually dysfunctional minority group .  One—a  lily-white Lilliputian—was so hypocritical as to misuse and manipulate affirmative action policies of our elite institutions of higher learning to her personal benefit  (shouldering aside an actual deserving minority member in the process).  

And finally, a most recent addition to the “doofus candidates crowd” is an elderly male, white guy, scarred with past scandals, who was part of the last Democrat Administration, and  was passed over for higher office many times before.  He is known to have  used his position as VP in the last administration to alter legislation which permitted a  family member- his son- to consummate  several lucrative deals in China and the Ukraine.  

God forbid that our nation will ever fall to the level in which any one of these “doofus” types ever enters the Oval Office.


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