Sunday, August 16, 2020


Never underestimate Biden’s ability to f.....up the works.“. Quote from President Obama. 

Former VP Biden has been underground so long —hiding away in his basement—he has become an enigma.  Somehow he has assumed  his “old uncle Joe” identity, the innocuous, unoffending, fuzzy presence of a man, with little to define him other than that he is NOT Donald Trump.  But the real Biden is it out there if you care to search.

The actual persona is (or was at one time—before President dementia took hold) the sniffy, touchy-feely predator/type “pol “ that maybe you (a young female assistant) should not find yourself alone with —like in a DC pedestrian tunnel.  He is the politician who bragged about taking the train to work with a bagged lunch... portraying  himself as the typical “working man”, but who never worked a day in his life  as he took the tax payer’s dime for 47 years.   He is the corrupt type pol who used  his elected  positions of power to leverage no-show high paying “consulting” positions for his sons and his brother and other family members while he played the “I’m working for the people” role. The only jobs he created were for his sons Hunter and Beau. He is the guy who is on his third attempt at the White House job—being rejected or failed twice before. That must say something about what the voters think of his prospects and abilities.  Biden’s handlers try to present him as a “moderate” but has jumped with both feet on the left-lurching mag-lev train which the socialist Dem Party is driving at high speed into political “never never land”.  These are some critical  aspects of  the real “Uncle Joe“.

But for my money, what really exposes Joe’s real persona is what former President Obama thought of Biden. Whatever one’s perception of President Obama’s polices, few dispute that he was a highly intelligent  man, and a good judge of ability.   Biden and Obama  worked closely together for eight years! You get to know a man’s real asssets and liabilities under those intense, real-life Oval Office conditions. These are the very conditions we as voters will review to formulate our decisions and under which Biden will have to operate if he were elected.  So they are most important

So it is critical to realize  that Obama did NOT consider Biden qualified for the White House.  Biden served only to humanize Obama the cold intellectual who ran the show.  Joe was his bumbling side kick— the second banana.  Obama knows his limitations.    When Obama’s second term  came to an end—it was decision  time—who was  Obama going to support to follow him?  The man he worked with as his closest aid?  NO!   Obama cut Joe off at the knees and supported Hillary Clinton whom he knew was —not “very likable” and corrupt,  but she was smart and capable.   Obama knew that Biden —even as a younger man—could not cut mustard.  He did not support Biden’s candidacy.  

During  the 2020 Democrat primaries it was clear that Biden did not have former President Obama’s support.  The former President  did not lift a finger for him even when he could have at the critical South Carolina primary—he remained  mum.  Biden won SC anyway—but Obama’s decision to withhold support, told volumes about what the man who knew Biden best really thought of him.  Obama’s actions clearly said: “he ain’t up to the job”!

One need not attempt  to delve into the inner workings of Obama’s mind about Joe, for at one point of deep frustration, he actually came out and stated what he thought.  Obama is quoted as remarking to another Democrat operative: “Never underestimate Biden’s ability to f.....up the works.

We as voters should take very seriously what former President Obama thought of Joe.  He knew him best and he “voted” against him on several occasions.  Who are we to go against Obama’s eight year intimate knowledge of Biden’s weaknesses?

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