Saturday, November 13, 2021


 Over the last several weeks a small groups of Syrian, Iraqi and Yemeni immigrants have set up a temporary camp on the border between Belorussia and Poland.  There, at the Polish border these migrants face a wall of razor wire the Polish border guards have put up to prevent them from crossing. 

 If they pass into Poland they will have entered the EU, and into what is known as the “Schengen Area”a group of 26 member nations where there are no border barriers or border controls between member states.  Thus if they are allowed into Poland, they can go almost anywhere  in those 26 states. Most, however, are interested in Germany, where a previous surge of almost one-million near-eastern immigrants were settled just recently, and where jobs and bountiful social and economic benefits may await them.  The vast majority of EU citizens—disillusioned and disrupted by these past immigrant waves—do not favor their passage, as a recent poll (87% opposed vs 12 % in favor) seems to support. 

Biden in DC and “border czar” Kamala  Harris (visiting France) have both stated their “deep concern” about the border crisis in Europe on Poland’s eastern border, but say nary a word about our own border crisis right here at home. 

This encampment of Iraqi and Syrian economic migrants are relatively few, only a thousand, versus the massive flow of illegal migrants at our own southern border.  In this year (2021) alone, at the Mexico crossing more than 1.6 million immigrants were encountered attempting to cross our southern border.  Yet both Biden and Harris are “concerned” about the insignificant border crisis in Poland.  And even more surprising their statements of concern  are actually reported in the press. The US, biased “main stream”  press tends to ignore the massive immigration problems, we face on our border,  it openly report Polish border problems.    

And unbelievably both our President and Vice President are “aware of and concerned with” a small border problem in Belarus, 4,400 miles away, but studiously ignore a crisis at home one thousand times greater and with greater impact festering on our own doorstep. 

What is going on here? 


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