Thursday, November 4, 2021


For  the nation and the Democrats the  Virginia and New Jersey elections of November 2021 had the impact of a 60mm mortar shell ripping through the canvas roof of a MASH unit during battlefield  emergency surgery.  The bloody chaos and disaster forced the realization on the military brass and “higher ups” that this forward unit was probably located far to close to front lines and enemy territory.   But political disasters are another story.

The political story unfolded in Virginia where a well known popular ex-governor was defeated handily in a state where a year ago Joe Biden won by 10 points.  In NJ, a deep blue state, where  Biden won by 10 %, a  little known, poorly funded GOP candidate for Governor nearly toppled the sitting, very “progressive”, Democrat out of the governor’s mansion. 

Taken together, the results of these and other elections around the nation point to a growing wave of dissatisfaction with the Biden Administration.  Perhaps the  electorate has come to the realization that  the Biden candidacy was a sinister stealth campaign. Uncle Joe ran and won by the very “skin on his teeth” by only  44,000 +/- votes in three closely contested states. He won those close elections by running as a centrist and moderate who would unite the nation.  

Then, when in office,  he abandoned any thoughts of unifying the nation or centrist policies by surrounded himself with fringe, left-wing, poorly qualified ideologues and morphing  into a far-left caricature of  Bernie Sanders on steroids. in an attempt to re-invent the nation into a Venezuela of the north. 

For any other political party, the debacle in New Jersey and  Virginia should have been  the warning sign of a massive backlash against Biden’s:  race and identity based policies,  his socialist tax and spend plans (during a period of surging inflation), the Afghan fiasco, his seeming mental frailty and incompetence,  a national crime wave, an out-of-control, open border and immigration agenda, attacks on police and  law and order, surging gas prices, a persistent, evolving pandemic, abandonment of cash bail, urban mob rule, support for CRT, BLM, “WOKE” and racial quotas, phony personal pronouns, “alphabet soup” sex designations, denial of biological sex, support for XYs posing as XXs in girl’s bathrooms, support of claims  that parents have no right to know what and agree with what is taught in their children’s classrooms, and other fringe-left, radical positions, policies and phony nostrums.  

These divisive  and destructive issues are how Democrats define themselves today.  These same ideas are apparently anathema to vast swaths of American voters.  So how did the Democrats get to this place?  It had to do with a shrinking base of support in national elections. The party of FDR, Truman, and JFK had no choice but to stoop to divisive identity, race and sex politics. 

 It was the Obama candidacy that underscored the fact that Democrats can win nationally, but only with a massive (90% support ) by  black communities voting down-the-line-“Democrat”.  But exceptional black candidates like President Obama —a centrist—are rare.  Without such a candidate to get to the level of support they needed for success,  they had to  cobble together a cabal of tiny radical fringe groups and radicalize and arouse these splinter  groups into partisan frenzy.  

But this Nov 2 2021 clarion call in Virginia, warning of political disaster had no effect on the ideologues huddled under the Democrat umbrella (they do not need a tent).   At least publicly the Virginia disaster was  ignored by Speaker Pelosi and the  Democrat leadership in DC. So instead of moving the political MASH unit out of direct fire, they advanced toward the front lines,  claiming the “voters will come” if we double down on our fringe,  left wing policies.  

Since they can not abandon their radical agenda, and are unable to come to terms with the reality that “the people do not want what we are hawking”, they are condemned to persist with  their socialist radical progressive agenda which serves not the citizens of this nation,  but the radicals in academe, government, and the entertainment industry—and a old guy in a basement in Delaware, as well as his “ne’er do well” son wielding a blowpipe on a coloring book.. 

Democrat leadership  now claims they can only win elections with more of the same garbage, they just got soundly beaten for supporting.  This is like the patient shocked to learn he has a pre-cancerous lung tumor,  and is fully dumbfounded when his physician hands him a  prescription for “two packs of Camel cigarettes a day”.  The Democrats are in denial and it’s leadership is perhaps under the control of some unseen “Rasputin like seer” calling the radical shots.

But perhaps we have a savior in Senator Joe Manchin, and a few others who will plug their thumbs into the leaking  dike and save the nation from the damaging deluge of Democrat denial. 

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