Saturday, May 28, 2022



It has been clear for months now that EU political leaders in in Germany, France, Italy and in Brussels have abandoned common sense, economic reality and practical politics as they permit their nations to be dragged into the Ukraine conflict—a foolish, self-destructive foreign policy catastrophe, as well as a new Cold War. This is a military and economic quagmire precipitated by, sustained and expanded by two leaders outside of Europe—in the USA and Ukraine. The EU is being led into deadly peril by two incompetent leaders. 

The political leadership in the USA and Ukraine, acting in collusion, recklessly ignored diplomatic pleas from the Russians, the threats of war, then the build up of troops. They persisted in plans to set up a threatening military outpost of the west on the Russian border.  Rather than responding  diplomatically to defuse this threat, they irresponsibly exacerbated the conflict to advance their own short-term domestic agendas.  In the USA, the Ukraine “war” became for the Biden Administration, a useful distraction to paper over the President’s plummeting polls, and for his misguided “green” policies which initiated a sharp spike in petrol prices and led to a wider, deeper inflationary spiral which threatens stagflation. The conflict also provided a shield for the continual blundering and incompetence of the Biden team.  Biden has instituted ill conceived sanction policies against Russia which are an economic threat to the USA, as well as the world at large.

 In the Ukraine, citizens somehow elected a novice politician, whose only prior “leadership” experience was as a TV actor who “played president” in a popular TV series.  Zelensky does have a notable ability for self-promotion and aggrandizement, but is a rookie-nitwit as a national leader, who ignored, then incited and exacerbated a self-inflicted disastrous conflict, with world-wide economic impact.  Zelensky’s  polices have led to the deaths of thousands of his citizens and created millions of refugees. His nation’s economy and infrastructure are in tatters. He has lost control of maritime ports and a great swath of the eastern portion of his nation.  Valuable Ukrainian exports of grain, fruit, and other produce are no longer possible. The absence of this produce on the world market may cause world food shortages and in fragile third world nations even famine.  

These two derelict leaders, Biden and Zelensky, both on the lower rungs of intelligence and ability,  somehow hoodwinked, more experienced, younger, and wiser EU politicians, with media threats, financial inducements and a coordinated anti-Russian media frenzy which has driven  the world to the brink of a terrible economic disaster and potential nuclear war.  The EU leadership, particularly the PM of Germany, disappointed us all by following lemming like, the urgings of these two incompetent heads of state.  How could the intellectuals, and political sophisticates in Paris, Berlin, Rome and Brussels be so stupid? 

Stop sending weapons which prolong and expand the conflict. Turn to diplomacy.  End this dangerous threat to world conflict now! 

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