Monday, July 11, 2022



Democrats once bragged of having the “Big Tent Party”, but today’s Democrats live in a “tent” which has shrunk into a tiny, crowded, unruly, sagging, leaky “pup tent” that only a select radical few can inhabit.

In an article in “The Guardian” (July 10, 2022) Mr Robert Reich (former Secretary of Labor )explains how this sad transformation occurred : “How did the Democrats lose the working class?” Within this piece he states the devastating truism that:  “Democrats have lost support with all working class voters across the electorate” ( Robert Reich July 10, 2022, The Guardian).  

How did this happen?  Democrats were once the Big Tent Party which favored policies that supported the masses of working folks.  But they abandoned those voters. The Democrats under Clinton, Obama, and recently under Biden did this to themselves.  Mr. Reich reminds us that these Democrat leaders all committed or helped to commit the “six cardinal sins” against US workers, who finally stopped voting Democrat.  Since President Bill Clinton, Democrat administrations hurt workers by: enacting the job killing Free Trade agreement with China, deregulating Wall Street, undermined unions, ignored antitrust laws, shunned public funding of elections, and quietly accepted the SCOTUS ruling on Citizen’s United. Then too, both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama (and later Biden) hypocritically favored and encouraged cash and political donations from mega corporations, whom they quietly and surreptitiously supported.   

According to Mr Reich, the Democrat party, under Clinton and Obama,  committed all six of these sins against the working class voters. In effect, abandoning these voters so as to take advantage of massive financial support from  lobbyists and international companies and corporate donors. (Too often this largess also served as a means to enrich themselves and their families. They all left office as—or soon to be—multi-millionaires! )   

According to Robert Reich, the Biden Democrats today continue to ignore millions of working class voters, and instead “prioritize the support of suburban swing voters.”  Or so states Mr Reich.  Really “suburban swing voters” ?  I think not!  

Mr Reich, one of the few honest and well-intentioned Democrats, does accurately reveal in his Guardian piece, the verified sordid history of the Democrat Party’s abandonment of these long time, loyal, and steadfast working class voters.  But he fails to tell the truth, regarding the new clients this former “centrist” and “big tent” Democrat Party  had to prioritize and seek political support from to make Democrat election to office a possibility.    

In fact, since abandoning the Big Tent and working class,  Democrats have had a hard time winning.  After casting the working class voters out into the cold, Democrats  were forced to cobble together support for votes among small, diverse blocks of far-out, fringe, minority voters that under rare  circumstances (such as a once a century, deadly pandemic)  actually won them elective office, but with only hair-thin margins.  

The Democrat “clients” today are not the average, tax-paying,  hard-working, blue collar, Joe and Jane, of yore, but a melange of the very few, the disgruntled and the disenchanted.  Who are these fringe voters,  the Democrats have invited into their  skimpy “tent” ?  They are the “unhappy with America” black voters;  “affirmative action” voters; supporters of “reverse racist” polices such as race-based “equity of outcome supporters”; elements of the dysphoric, gender and sexual-orientation minorities; the LBGTQ “community”; radical feminists;  pro-abortion “up-to-birth-radicals; relaxed criminal justice proponents; those who oppose robust, pro-active police forces; those who support open borders and weak immigration laws; environmental fanatics  who propose immediate abandonment of all fossil fuels; anti-capitalist radicals, socialists, and most importantly as donors: the “progressive” urban wealthy elites.

Why Democrats are struggling today is apparent to all.  It is not the loss of “swing voters” as Mr. Reich claims . Most Americans and those, citizens who work for others, and who once supported Democrats, (swing voters too) simply, resent, or no longer support the radical “prioritized”  groups that modern liberal, far-left-leaning Biden-Democrats curry favor with today.”

The wheels have fallen off the Biden Administration (at >39% approval) because their polices are so un-American, so focused on minority, gender, race, issues, and are so unpopular.  This far-out party, that governs to support only its own tiny minority of the electorate deserves to be roundly defeated in the coming election. They are the radicals, the American voter is not.           

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