Thursday, December 15, 2016







Joe Scarborough of "Morning Joe" on MSNBC on December 14, 2016, began a session on the fall of Aleppo with photos of war devastated neighborhoods in eastern Aleppo, which is in the last stages of being retaken by government forces. The visuals depicted streams of depressed, ragged Syrian refugees, WW II level devastation, gaping windows and shattered buildings. Over these images the Morning Joe staff replayed the comments of UN Ambassador Powers, who gave a speech to the UN on the situation in Aleppo on Tuesday. Powers attacked Iran, Russia and Syria, blaming these states for the carnage and accusing them of atrocities committed in retaking that city in eastern Syria. Joe attacked the Ambassador claiming that as a representative of the Obama Administration which was up until this UN speech "mute" about Aleppo she was an hypocrite making a speech at the fall of the city. He claimed President Obama "did nothing" all along, or worse he "backed down" when the US had a chance to do something. Presumably. "perennial war hawk Joe" was referring to "something" like a no fly zone or committing troops to fight along side of the Syrian thugs, al Qaida affiliates, and islamic terrorists who were aligned against the legitimate Syrian government and have held out in Aleppo since taking it from government control in 2012,

But Joe is wrong. The Obama Administration did not "do nothing". They were actively involved from the very beginning of the tragedy in Syria, Sadly they were always doing the wrong thing....making circumstances worse...extending and intensifying the unrest and the tragedy and the killing of innocents...all in an attempt to unseat dictator Mr. Assad.

Obama and his Secretary of State Ms Clinton were involved in Syria in another failed attempt at regime change in the Middle East---another one gone wrong, Apparently having learned nothing from the disasters of Iraq and Afghanistan and most their most recent disaster-- Libya where US intervention and regime change led to chaos, tragedy and death and generated another failed state with streams of desperate refugees.

As soon as President Obama learned of the civil unrest in Syria he and his neocon affiliated aids rubbed their hands in glee. With the cities and countryside of Iraq and Libya still smoldering, this leader actually moved to repeat the "regime change" agenda even again to add another failed state, with hundreds of thousands of innocent deaths to the history books. For the neocons holdovers and Clinton allies in the administration this was an "opportunity" again to change the face of the Middle East and create a more compliant Syrian regime amenable to US control.

To implement this ill conceived policy Mr. Obama immediately sent CIA operatives with bundles of cash to foment further unrest. With the active participation of US operatives stirring up demonstrations, providing promises of help, logistics and bags of US money the uprising expanded into a civil war. When the war broke out the Obama Administration continued its aim of destabilizing the Syrian state by sending arms, ammunition and covert "trainers" to aid the thugs, al Qaida affiliates, ISIS gangs and other terrorists who made up much of the resistance. The US indiscriminately armed and supported a mixture of Syrian political resistance fighters, Islamic terrorists, various elements of al Qaida, and other Sunni fighters from Turkey, Kurdish areas, and Saudi Arabia who were foes of Assad for religious and political reasons.

We continued our ill advised support even in the light of the emerging facts as the war progressed which indicted that Mr. Assad was weakened and in control of only the western regions of Syria, but still had the support of more than 63% of the population, and the infrastructure of the nation, and was alone in being able to prevent Syria from falling into a Libya-like chaotic state---and who alone had the chance to prevent the entire state and its infrastructure becoming another center of ISIS power.

When Russia entered the war to aid Assad regime in October 2015 they implored the US to end its aid to the ISIS affiliates and Islamic terrorists in the eastern portions of the state and in Aleppo. They offered to work hand in hand with the US forces to defeat ISIS. But the Obama administration was unable to alter its "regime change" policy and its history of opposition to the Assad regime. Obama could not make this leap toward a sane and logical policy. The US continued their policy of support of the rag-tag terrorist infiltrated resistance, the ISIS affiliates and Islamic terror groups. T

The end came on December 15, 2016 when Aleppo finally fell to Syrian government forces as was expected for so long. So no Joe, Obama should not be blamed for "doing nothing". He is guilty of doing "stupid stuff" from the very beginning. It was covert stupid stuff. This is "stupid stuff" he wants us to forget about. Obama is smart enough to realize that it was dumb to continue his stupid policies. So he did not add to his stupidity with more "stupid stuff" like "no fly zones", or boots on the ground that likes of war hawk Joe Scarborough, crotchety Don Quixote Senator Mc Cain and his Sancho Panza-like Lindsey Graham. But the tens of thousands of innocent Syrians who died as a consequence of Mr. Obama's failed polices of regime change for Syria will always be a blotch on the polished brass Nobel Peace Prize escutcheon that Mr.Obama will at long last tuck under his arm as he finally leaves the White House.

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