Wednesday, December 21, 2016




In the last few weeks since the "Trump Terremoto" of 2016, the mainstream media have been obsessed with the Russian "hacking" of the DNC and the effects on the election of Mr. Trump. Did the Russian acts of cybersleuthing actually alter the outcome of the election? The Democrats seem to prefer to blame the Russians and are hanging their excuses for their shocking and (to them) depressing loss on that cause rather than the weaknesses of their candidate. All our US spy agencies appear to agree it was the Russians...though they have not released any actual evidence. Perhaps the evidence is too unsavory for the American public to swallow? Perhaps the idea that Russian hacking and impact on our elections was payback for the 2014 US involvement in the toppling of the Ukrainian president?

As in any detective story...the typical "gum shoe" detective looks for a suspect among those who had a motive--- and the means to perpetrate the act. No one --even the Russians--should ever get convicted on this type of weak circumstantial evidence, but it is often the means to a the trail of evidence to the culprit. Our FBI and CIA are surely aware that the Russians had the means to hack into the DNC and Mrs. Clinton's private server secreted in her basement. But what was the motive?

The Obama Administration attacked the Russian Bear on its sensitive nose when they conspired to topple the legitimately elected pro-Russian, Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych in the Ukraine. This Obama Administration, CIA and State Department action was seen by Mr. Putin as an existential threat to the Russian nation. (See releases of recorded conversations between Victoria Nuland of the US State Department and G. Pratt then US Ambassador to Ukraine. Mr Obama also admitted subsequently in an interview with Fareed Zakaria of "brokering" the coup in Ukraine in February 2014). The US "brokered" coup led to the unrest in the Ukraine, the loss of thousands of lives in the so-called "Orange" Revolution which is still simmering in the eastern oblasts of that nation, and the occupation of the Crimea by Russia.

The "motive" as a factor in the FBI AND CIA calculations had to have weighed heavily in the spy agencie's "conclusions"...for there is little hard evidence in cybersphere cases. Our nation's sleuthing agencies have all been very closemouthed regarding "evidence". Perhaps these agencies don't want to underscore the fact that our actions and misdeeds have consequences. Our brokered coup of a legally elected government in the Ukraine had consequences. Newton's Third Law (every action has an equal and opposite reaction) is always is in effect, both in the physical and political world. The sleuthing agencies would, however, rather not speak of these "reactions" to our intervention in another nation's elections in public. They would rather that we ignore the errors of our leaders which lead to unfavorable and undesirable effects. Too bad.

Our press and our leaders too often portray world events in stark black and white..."good guy vs bad guy" scenarios acceptable to what they perceive is their elementary school level audience. In these scenarios the US is always the good guy and the others...are one of a Rolladex of national and constantly changing players---are the bad guys. But for a plain thinking unencumbered guy from the snowy Green Mountains, it seems pretty simple. If the Russians did it, (still a big if). they may have had a good reason---a powerful motive. Perhaps we might have avoided this entire disaster by a different and better thought our foreign policy.

This author believes that if the Russians did it...the hacking and release of damaging emails to Wikileaks---it was Putin's pay back to Obama for the Ukraine fiasco. The Ukraine brokered coup of the Ukraine was a major foreign policy blunder by the USA and its allies in which in retrospect the USA lost heavily. But now with the Putin's response: "You mess with me"---says Putin---"and there are consequences". I suspect the Russian comeback was very damaging to Obama, the Democrat Party, and the USA political system. The Obama Administration and its neocon State Department pro-NATO-expansion activists started it....the Russian hacking and release of Podesta emails and Clinton speech texts...was only pay back in kind. It may have helped to eliminate the Clinton presidency and what Obama hoped would be an administration that preserved his legacy...what ever that was. Was the intervention in Ukraine worth it? I think not.

Its too bad that this kind of information never appears in the press or on TV. The American citizen and voter would have a better understanding of the world, their leaders, and the effects of the actions the USA takes. Also if our leaders had only taken an elementary physics course they would know about Newton's Third: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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