Saturday, December 24, 2016




The airwaves, Internet and print media are alive with discontent over the Trump Revolution or what we may call the Trump TERREMOTO. Yes Mr. Trump's win has been like a massive political earthquake literally shaking the ground upon which the entire corrupt Washington establishment has been built upon for the last several decades. The Washington insiders, politicians, office holders, lobbyists, contractors, political hacks, and those holding powerful positions in the government are all disoriented and destabilized as the political landscape swirls about them as it responds to massive political change. The web of incestuous, corrupt, relations these insiders have built up over the last decades have or will soon be shaken to the breaking point. But the DC insiders and their facilitators and allies will do just about anything to hold on to the political power and access to money they have established for themselves, their spouses and their children. They won't leave quietly. They will stoop to any act to keep the cozy deals they have....all at the expense of the taxpayer on whose dime they depend and whom they think of and/or refer to as "deplorables"

As observers of the political scene we must understand that we are witnessing an earth shattering political revolution. The political insiders of Washington, the members of both parties, and the establishment have been turned out of office by the actions of A FREE PEOPLE WITH CONSTITUTIONAL ACCESS TO THE SECRET BALLOT.

Let's review who the People have decided were winners and losers:

WINNERS: The People. The average working-class American is the winner. Those who live and work in the vast "fly over" area of USA, the silent majority of the wide plains with waving wheat who just could not take the corruption, senseless wars, declining income, loss of security, and loss of hope for themselves and their children any longer---- they are the winners.

Also a winner is that oft misused and misconceived concept of American Exceptionalism. We are not exceptional in every way....far from it. But in this 2016 election we have proved our uniqueness. Our system IS exceptional in its peaceful response to the wishes of the PEOPLE which it claims to serve. This election was a peaceful overturn of the existing corrupt duopoly establishment 'which had lost touch with the people to whom it was pledged to serve. Only in America could the people have the actual voting POWER to turn out two deeply intertwined and ensconced political parties. Defeat an the opposition...represented by a well known and wily candidate with a billion dollar war chest, supported by a powerful political machine, a mortared-in-place establishment--a powerful media, connected and monied interests, the academy, a powerful entertainment industry, and even the sitting President and his powerful office.

LOSERS: The Establishment of both parties. Especially the Clintons and their allies and the Bush Family and their allies. Establishment figures like: Paul Ryan, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Senators John McCain and his Sancho Panza side-kick Senator Lindsey Graham; all the Washington elites, the inside-the-Beltway Crowd, the Big Donor Class, the Neocons, the powerful monied and politically active class like the Koch's, and the Adelsons; the entire corrupt, nepotistic, self-interested and incestuous ESTABLISHMENT, the Democrats and Republicans, the Washington political machinery---including the top cadre of the CIA, FBI.

The Main Stream Media, especially the New York Times and the Washington Post and the TV talking heads on MSNBC and CNN.

Academia; The pointy headed, politically-correct, impractical, business-hating, and self- absorbed professors of academe are losers.

Hollywood is a loser. The Hollywood "celebrities" who have the chutzpah to actually believe that their status as ridiculously overpaid manikins, mouthing words in front of a camera or on a stage, words others have written, have some special insight or a more valid understanding of the policies or workings of our government than the people who till our land, heal our people, teach our kids, build our cars or clean our streets. They don't.

Thus when we find it hard to understand the resistance of the both political parties, the media, our entertainers, our President, and the donor class of both parties to change, and the politicization of our institutions such as the CIA and the FBi...we must see these events in the light of the TRUMP TERREMOTO. The Trump Earthquake. Trump has ushered in a total collapse of the web of interactions within an established system. Be aware that the resistance of the institutional classes to such change is enormous. The cozy, self serving relationships these types created over decades is threatened. The lucrative deals at they had may not exist in the new order--and they are transfixed by fear.

Expect the worst from these corrupt officials who will be turned out into the cold. They will do anything--imagine the worst---to keep the old order.

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