Tuesday, September 24, 2019



The WSJ blared out yesterday (September 20, 2019) “Trump repeatedly pressed Ukraine President to investigate Biden’s son!”   Huffington Post: “Donal Trump is Asking a Foreign Country to Help Him Win Again!!!”..  

The mass media are again awash with unverified allegations the “if this were true” preamble precedes every dire prediction , and of course “impeachment” threats fly thick as yellowjacket wasps from a disturbed nest.   The  latest charge is the so-called “whistleblower” scandal.  in one of the security agencies —no names revealed—an insider (Deep State denisen ) tattle-tailed  the President after his call to to the recently elected President of Ukraine.  Yes it is Ukraine again—seemingly the source and center of all recent USA scandals.  (Has to be the money and potential for investment there.) 

Apparently, a secret complaint was lodged with the Intelligence Community Inspector-General, Mike Atkinson from a government employee who it has been revealed Did NOT have direct access to the President’s conversation with the Ukrainian President.  So the allegation si second or third hand and no one, other than the President and the foreign leader know WHAT WAS SAID.  Ignoring this fact the IC-IG sent the whistleblower complaint on to the Director of National Intelligence.   No one knows what the complaint entails and on what basis it was made. But the news media in the Trump era do not base stories on verifiable facts—innuendo and third hand allegations will do—-viz:  recent NYT report which was a disastrous take down for that paper after they aired the recent (new) allegations against newly seated Supreme Court justice  Kavanaugh .

Thus accepting that as what it is....the unverified charges being made are: that the President (who had good reason) held up a $400 million dollar military grant to corruption-plagued Ukraine until he spoke with the new leader.  When he did have his conversation it is claimed that he demanded a quid pro quo. That is, he demanded that the  Ukraine reinvestigate the business and political dealings of former VP Joe Biden and his (ne’er do well) son Hunter Biden.  these two are alleged (See NYT) to have worked in tandem to open the pathway for a billion dollar energy deal.  That lucrative deal for the Biden family was being held up by a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating  the firm (Bourisma) in which Hunter Biden was a board member.  VP Joe Biden was instrumental in demanding that stumbling block to the deal —the prosecutor— be fired BEFORE Biden would release the US grant money.  That is a quid pro quo!  Biden admits this and brags about that deal.  VP Biden’s demand was met by the Ukrainians and the Biden-offending prosecutor was fired. .  These facts are always ignored by the left, the media and even the FBI.  

But all of these folks, happy to ignore corruption on the left -imagine or are deceived that they see it so clearly on the right!  These hypocrites with little of no evidence immediately jumped on the band wagon of this most recent —unproved allegation against the President.  But see below where I discuss the real reason for the intensity of interest in this phony charge.   

The key question here is whether the conclusions made by the unidentified whistleblower, the Democrats and the left-leaning media that the President actually pressed the Ukrainian leader to reopen an investigation which might produce “dirt” on a political opponent—or not.  It is just as likely that the President’s motives to hold up the grant money had foreign policy implications, or were simply to reassure himself and his administration that the Ukrainian President (an unknown quantity) would use the funds appropriately.  But even if our President did discuss the matter of the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor which closed the investigation into possible corruption of a sitting VP and his son that does not constitute a crime nor does It necessarily follow that the  inquiry or request was contingent of the release of the funds.

Every  Congress member and Senator is constantly faced with the same question.  I imagine this conversation.  “Hey Senator, you just accepted a $4,000 dollar check from a lobbyist for the—your pick— NRA, AIPAC, GE, Dairy Industry, Beef Cattle Industry, etc etc. —and then you voted for legislation that favored the —-you pick—form above.  Was that a pay-off?”  The legislator’s response is always “ I can walk and chew gum at the same time”.  I always vote my conscience on what is right for my constituents”.  

The President is the chief executive.  He has a Constitutional right to have frank and secret discussions with other world leaders.  He was elected to conduct the business of the state for four years.  We are doing the nation a disservice by attempting to tie his hands and undermine the essential functions of the executive branch.  

We are a nation seemingly tearing ourselves apart.  The Deep State and the Dems are making our  real enemies must be very happy. 

But why the massive hype of this story? Perhaps it is this:  After the sad display on TV  of the far-right “fringe character” of the slate of candidates for the Presidency and the weakenesses of the apparent leader—Biden—the party elders seems to have come to the conclusion that they are not going to win.  The only way to defeat Trump may be to weaken him with a phony politically motivated claim of “crimes and misdemeanors”.  That is a gross mis-use of the impeachment clause—if you can’t win at the polls impeach!  Furthermore, another reason for the “legs” this story has is that the fringe left of the Democrats also see this as a way of eliminating much desired Biden AS WEll AS weakening Mr. Trump.  The Biden scandal will cut both ways. 

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