Sunday, September 1, 2019


As if the modern Democrats haven’t made their fringe left restricted constituency small enough—a few days ago in San Francisco (August 24, 2019) at the DNC’s national platform meeting they pulled the tent pegs of their shrinking “national tent” even tighter-in, now shunning those who espouse or practice a formal religion.  Thus, besides the hard-left promises of the Democrat Presidential field such as: a Green New Deal, open borders, abolition of ICE, end of Electoral College, reparations for slavery, free college, cancellation of student debt, Medicare for all, banning private health insurance, and a near-confiscatory income tax of 70%—the Dems are now even banning religion, just as other radicals leftists did in failed states such as the former Communist USSR and modern China.

The socialist-like aversion to religion was apparent even at the 2012 Democrat Convention where the Democrat attendees most infamously “booed” the Protestant minister, while during his solemn invocation  he had the temerity to mention “God”.  God was booed by democrats  in the 2012 Democrat Convention.

The Democrats have now formalized their aversion to religion and to those of faith. In their published minutes of the August 24, 2019  convention meeting they state: “Whereas the “religiously unaffiliated” (read: agnostics, atheists, secularists, etc. ) represent 25% of the overall American population’.... and are “the largest demographic in the Democrat Party” and “overwhelmingly share Democrat Party values”. “Now therefore be it resolved that the religiously unaffiliated”......”should be heard and represented” the Party”.

The Democrats have closed the entrance to their former “big tent” to a large swath of Americans: They ignore, shun and even deride the masses of hard working Americans, those who live in the nation’s heartland, who want well paying jobs, who pay taxes, support their local communities, see their sons and daughters off to protect our. Nation, and want to raise their families in stable, prosperous  communities—and go to a house of worship regularly.  These good folks they openly  disparage as “untermench”, a “basket of deplorables”, rabble, racists and worse.

Ignoring the needs and concerns of the vast mass of Americans—the Democrats, in their desperation for votes,  have stitched together a fragile constituency of fringe elements:  wealthy left wing donors, coastal urbanites, academic media and government elites,  radical feminists, supporters of late term abortion, illegal immigrants, socialist sympathizers, the LBGTQQ “community”, and  welcome with open arms atheists, secularists and the godless, as they shun and deride those  who claim allegiance to faith as a Protestant, Catholic, Jew or Moslem.

Sadly, for a nation saddled with a “two party system” and thus one which depends on a “loyal opposition”to function effectively  the  Democrats have become (with their  media supporters and facilitators) an ineffectual fringe resistance group,  engorged with religious fervor, convinced of their righteousness and the immorality of anyone opposes their dictates.   Rather than a loyal opposition, they are political terrorists lurking in the dark corners of our polity  making hit and run attacks aimed at bringing down the present government at all costs.

The once “big tent” of the Democrats of the 1950s has now become more umbrella-sized with a prominent hammer and sickle banner fluttering at its peak..  

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