Friday, July 31, 2020


Biden is 77 years old and certainly not a vigorous septuagenarian.  He seems fragile and infirm.  He has a prison pallor from all those months in his basement.  I am giving my own age away when I say he reminds me of a character on the old (and hilarious ) radio show Fred Allen Show  (@1945)    Allen created the character Senator Beauregard Claghorn and his side kick Senator Bloat who were played major roles and whom Allen hilariously interviewed on the show.   Claghorn was the epitome of the back-slapping, loose lipped, empty headed professional southern politician—(who has sadly never left us).  Claghorn was cast as a deep south character,  but Biden does him justice in his phony folksy manner, his  touchy freely habits, his hair-sniffing and “handy ness” of prodding and patting lady parts; even though he represented a state just barely south of Mason-Dixon Line.

Biden ran for the Presidency three times.  I remember the first go round. Every one recognized that this bloviating Delaware Senator didn’t have the gravitas needed and thus we were all not too surprised when It was revealed that he plagiarized a Brit for an important speech of his own .    He couldn’t even do that well. He took large obvious segments from this British politician’s  speech, not even aware  that many folks in the US regularly read British politicians too.  That scandal knocked Joe out of the race immediately   I notice old habits don’t  die.  He has been at it again .Many of his recent babblings have been derived from better thought out speeches delivered by  President Trump more than three years ago.

Biden has remained safe in his basement and mostly silent on the  pandemic of violence affecting our major progressive leaning  cities. These urban areas light up in flames and bombings  each night for the last two months as a result of the actions of violent mobs, anarchists, and “Antifa” thugs who go about  looting businesses, burning down buildings, tearing  down statuary all with the tacit approval of weak “progressive” mayors and governors who laughingly claim these are “peaceful” demonstrations.

The overall impact of these “peaceful demonstrations” will probably amount to billions upon billions of dollars that these cities can ill afford and in time have to pay for.  Be sure they will be going hat in hand to Washington where they will hope to find a complicit and malleable Biden there to take your tax dollars and give them away to these undeserving city and state officials.

Biden has promised to eliminate the oil and gas industry—along with the near  10 million jobs they generate. He promises to drastically increase taxes, claiming to  take money from the “wealthy”. But it’s your pocket he’s looking into.  Al of those who in pursuit of their own financial security work hard to create new businesses, generating well paying jobs.  He waste to strangle the goose which lays the golden egg and cook it up for his social far left base of radical supporters.

He promises to open the borders so that Americans who are at present struggling to return to work
will have more competition. Open borders is a bad idea in the era of deadly communicable disease and tight job markets.  We are full up with immigrants at present having the highest percentage of legal (and illegal) newcomers to this nation in our recent history.

He is promising free college degrees, health care and other free goodies (even for illegal immigrants) paying for them by plunging his hands into the pockets hard working American tax payers.

Biden promises, to aid and abet that disaster (open border) by favoring opening up the ballot boxes to mail in voting so anyone  who happens to be in the country and simply wants to vote can do so. .  this is a sure way to create chaos after the election and undermine the legitimacy of our sacred election processs.

He has embraced the idea of reparations for African Americans (blacks or Blacks ???).  But who are they?  How do we know who gets a reparation and who does not?  And who should pay for these reparations?  Southerners? Descendants of former slave owners?  Or all Americans? Most Americans living and paying taxes today had no relationship to the enslavement of these folks and why should they be asked to pay reparations?  This idea will go no where and cause more harm than any good.

Biden has taken on the  ideas of the “ green new deal” —an experiment in economics that will cost trillions upon trillions of dollars to implement—what we do not have now—And just a jump from one system to another —which should be done gradually over decades—would occur at the worst possible time when the nation is struggling to recover from the Covid 19 debacle. This is another idea that will cause more harm than good.

Biden is soft on our most serious, existential and emergent threat—China.  China has been finally revealed as not a simple competitor but a sinister scheming theat to our nation’s wealth, military, global interests and personal safety. (They had the knowledge, the means and the opportunity to avoid passing the Covid virus on to the USA, but they chose to let it happen—obviously intent on weakening their major competitor in the world.) During his career Biden as a undistinguished Senator for tiny Delaware Biden used his position to leverage “deals” for his sons and for his brother.  His Chinese deals are legendary. His family has made millions upon millions as a result of insider deals he leveraged as Obama’s point man on China.

Finally, for those who are religious-God fearing folk —Biden is as corrupt and hypocritical in this area as in every other.  Once a Catholic in name only—but now he openly supports the anti religious elements in his party and those who castigate anyone who espouses to be  religious—Protestant Catholic or Jew.   Biden openly supports  the most extreme fringe elements of the abortion rights groups —permitting abortions of viable innocent  babies into the last stages of pregnancy.

Once a supporter of the Hyde Amendment which prohibited the use of federal funds το pay for abortions.  In effect Government spending forced  those who abhor abortion as the taking of innocent life to pay for what they see as unconscionable. Biden—the “Catholic” has now reversed his position on the Hyde amendment and has proposed abandoning it.

For eight years Biden played  “Senator Claghorn” the folksy, unthreatening,  back-slapping and ice breaker, the Sancho Panza or Jay Silverheels’ Tonto— to the real leader an  alpha male—the too serious, too  intellectual, too detached Obama as the  President. Biden is stuck in that role

VP Joe was in every way a second banana , kept around to make Obama seem human.  When President Obama had to choose who was to be the person to run for president in 2016 and continue to support and sustain his “legacy”—he kicked Joe under the bus, as unworthy of support//and gave his full support to Hillary Clinton.  Obama is the person who knows Joe best and he rejected him for the job.  Joe went off to his basement and quietly took the humiliation and punishment.  He had no fight in him. He just let Obama push him around.  Such behavior does not generate confidence that Biden could stand up to international bullies and threats to support you—the American citizen.

 Joe was never a leader always a Second banana and follower.  At this point the nation does not need two Vice Presidents....Joe and his lady VP.  The nation needs one strong and determined leader to fight for us and to get us out of this economic and Covid pandemic  mess.

President Trump has proved he can lead.   In the face of massive illegal intervention and intrigue by his predecessors before the election and treasonous schemes to unseat him after the election he succeeded,  overcoming monumental opposition, even from those in his own party.  He succeeded in keeping the peace, generating millions of  new jobs, and creating a thriving economy the envy of the world.   He has proved his worth.

Joe is only a second banana.  He is physically, mentally and emotionally unfit for the presidency.  He is a doppelgänger of Fred Allen’s laughable Senator Claghorn who we should -/like Claghorn—had a few laughs with him and then retired him  permanently.

Think again.

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