Monday, July 20, 2020

Open Season on Fraud—Mail In Ballots—Making a Joke of Voting

Buying votes was always part of US elections. JFK famously won the ‘62 election using his daddy’s cash to purchase voters  far and wide across West Virginia.  We now control much of that form of corruption. But the idea to send out ballots to every “registered voter”—live or dead or no longer in this state/-then  count them  and decide which are valid and which are not is really dumb.  Seems  we would be just asking for fraud which  will perhaps result in inviting  the Supreme Court in for a decision as to who wins.

In the last “by elections” in NYC and elsewhere a whopping 28% of these ballots were rejected due to no signature, unreadable signature etc etc etc. imagine that problem nation wide.

Then once the ballots have been signed and sent off in an open mail truck—we have abandoned any semblance of  ballot security.  How can they be protected from tampering or prevent someone from simply  dumping them somewhere?

I can just imagine the political shenanigans that might take place in a crowded  urban apartment building.  A good percentage of former resident voters have moved, died, or are away from home.  These ballots are open for fraudsters to use.  They could  be “harvested”by any resident political activists or by unscrupulous building staff.  Then they could be signed and mailed in.

Nursing homes are routinely hit by “granny harvesters” who collect ballots and “help” fragile seniors vote.

Mail  in ballots are not secret ballots.. In some homes one person may collect the ballots and pressure others, a dependent spouse or fragile older relative to vote one way or another.

If the Democrats want to make a joke out of our most cherished and democratic right—the right  to a secret secure voting place and secure ballot, please stop them from expanding  mail in ballots.  If you want your vote to count vote in person.  Remember more than 20% of these mail in ballots are likely to be tossed away as invalid. Let your vote count! Vote in person.

Looking for post election chaos  in the Fall?  Then send out those blank mail in ballots to everyone. Let’s fight it out AFTER the election and perhaps give up our right to choose our representatives away to the Supreme Court to do it for us.

I can’t imagine US citizens being so dumb as to let this happen.

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