Wednesday, July 29, 2020


The left would like for us to pound our chests with “mea culpa” as we bend our knees and  self flagellate to the god of racial guilt.  But most Americans are unblemished by this sin.

The left love to misrepresent history—such as that slavery was the impetus for the Revolutionary War...or that the USA is a nation burdened with “systemic racism”. The poorly or unschooled whippersnappers that somehow were pushed ahead each year into the next successive grade and never learned the basics —like their sixth grade Times Table (Go on ask them to do a multiplication and watch as they stall and  stumble looking for the calculator on their iphones ) or how to keep a bank book or which end of the hammer to hold are now in position is of authority.  They think they know what they are doing—-they graduated from college!. But they know no history or geography.  Maths that is way beyond them.  So trust them not.

But you can believe this:  the USA is NOT A RACIST NATION.  Far from it.

Let’s not forget this is the nation where religious whites, such as the Quakers,  as well as Baptist Abolitionists with John Brown as one of their leaders risked and lost their lives to protect and harbor blacks fleeing from southern states. This is the nation which established the famed  Underground Rail Road to free a blacks from a life from slavery.   This is the nation where  Abraham Lincoln, a Republican was handily elected to the Presidency on an anti-slavery platform.  In this nation we fought a horrible  Civil War with massive casualties to settle the question of slavery and succession to maintain a slave state.  Near the end of the war the Emancipation Proclamation was promulgated.  It was in this Nation That white legislatures around the nation passed the 13th and 14th  Amendments (13 to abolish slavery and 14 to insure “equal protection” of all citizens).   In this nation white folks across the nation voted to  pass the 15th Amendment (guaranteeing all people of every color the right to vote).   In the all white Supreme Court voted for the 1954 Brown vs Board of Education decision (abandons separate but equal education facilities).  In this nation,   Rosa Parks began the Montgomery Bus boycott (1955) . In this nation Republican  President Dwight Eisenhower sent federal troops to Little Rock Arkansas to enforce integration of the Little Rock High School.  In this nation both blacks and whites  in the 1963 March on Washington to support Civil rights1963.    In this nation the Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  In this nation in 1962  southern educators moved to integrate “Ole Miss” U and permit James Meridith entry.  In this nation  Dr. King gave his  “I have a Dream” speech to massive crowds (1963).  In this nation an all white Congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  In this nation Thurgood Marshall, the first black jurist was elevated to the Supreme Court in 1967.  We passed the fair Housing act of 1968 in this nation.  We supported the  first black woman, Shirley Chisholm to run for president in 1972.  We passed the  Affirmative Action Laws in 1978 (which gave blacks set aside positions and preferences in schools, universities, and competitive tests incrasing their presence greatly in our  most elite and selective universities. In 1984 civil rights worker and black activist  Jesse Jackson ran for president.  This is a nation in which Oprah Winfrey launched her popular talk show—to become the richest, most influential black woman in world.  This is the nation where a poor black kid Colin Powell from the Bronx NY rose to be  4 Star General of the Army , and the  Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, and was appointed Secretary of State in 2001.  This is the nation where in 2005 Condolezza Rice was to become first black woman Secretary of State.  And most recently in 2008 this is the nation that elected a black community worker from Hawaii to be the 44th US President:  Barack Obama.  President Obama was telvered and honored and served two full terms.  Millions upon millions of American whites elected him twice to be their President.

 All of these achievements were made manifest with the full cooperation,  financial support, votes and empathetic succor of millions of white Americans of all political persuasions. Sixty or seventy million American enthusiastically voted for President Obama two times in a row!

Are there racists in the USA?  Sadly yes.  Sorry to say they occur in both the white and black communities of our nation in perhaps equal numbers.  Racism is endemic around the world in all nations and ethnic and racial groups.  Unlike the USA some nations do have formal racist policies— real systemic racism.  These include China, Japan, India,  and several well-known ally nations in the Middle East of more than one religious persuasion are formally racist states.

But are we a nation of systemic institutionalized racism? No!

Absolutely not. Our long history of revulsion of the practice is apparent and is supported by the many efforts to eliminate and ameliorate its effects.  To claim otherwise is a baldfacdd lie!  

No Systemic racism in America—

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