Friday, October 1, 2021


 President Obama: “And you know who does not have it, Joe Biden” 

Half of the nation knew Joe,  and agreed with President Obama  in 2020, but he was elected anyway.  Now after a summer of disasters Obama’s negative evaluation has become patently  manifest.

Joe had nearly eight  months of undeserved, slick, glowing, main-stream media coverage to protect his image and bolster his popularity polls— but then  Afghanistan happened to make the ex-president’s evaluation so prescient. .  

Mountainous, desolate Afghanistan,  the infamous  “graveyard of empires and generals” took a terrible  toll on our oldest President. .  Kabul was Joe Biden’s  “Little Bighorn”,  another closing conflict zone, where  an  overconfident, over optimistic, overrated leader foolishly ignoring protocols  stumbled into a battle unprepared,   where he  met ignominious defeat as he sacrificed the lives of his brave troops. 

The deadly, disastrous and poorly planned Afghanistan retreat, shattered our nation’s reputation and  resulted  in the moral stain of leaving Americans behind in Kabul, but also exposed this president’s  vanity, his stubbornness, his penchant for blaming others, his casual and constant prevarication, and his intellectual shortcomings  for all the world to see,  

Subsequent investigations  have revealed  how President Biden  insisted on retreating from  Afghanistan- ”his way” and in “his time”.  This latter insistence was revealed as a plan to generate  a political  vanity photo opportunity to underscore the idea  “Biden ended a  20 year war”.  His vanity plans did not materialize. He  ignored his military advisor’s warnings of danger, which resulted in the deaths of 13 brave American troops, two hundred Afghans, and an innocent family of aid workers and their seven children killed by a drone strike and who we re falsely  claimed to be terrorists .   

As a result of the sheer horror of published images the Biden media supporters were forced to expose the Kabul fiasco and the crisis for what it was—a disaster.   (These images revealed  the horrific scenes of Afghans falling from taxiing airplanes, resistive  mobs and  uncontrolled crowds surging onto the tarmac , suicide bombers blowing up  hundreds, and American retaliation-drone-strikes killing innocent children and aid workers—not terrorists) ,  This exposure  ended the disgraceful “news blackout” by the propaganda press which so well served Biden during the campaign and the president’s first months in office.  The news blackout  hid or underestimated Biden failures and flubs.  

But the Kabul disaster served too as a revealing  insight into Biden presidential character and  behavior.  As former President Obama so well observed— “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to (expletive) things up.” And in a remark on who is capable or not to be president. Obama stated:  “And you know who doesn’t have it, Joe Biden” 

Whether it be the chaos and crisis of Kabul, the Covid pandemic, the “vax” mandate,   the disaster at the  southern US border, ten thousands Haitians camped under the Del Rio bridge, or the looming insanity  of a Biden domestic, “fiscally insane” spending and tax  plan—its Kabul de’ja vu all over again.

In each of the  Biden serial disasters ones sees the same lack of presidential patience, poor planning, poor execution, uneven, or lack of  control over subordinates, poor staffing choice of heads of departments, stubborn insistence on vain plans, no thought of long term consequences, and actions seemingly designed  only to prove some point or right some past slight ( to the ex VP) , or for simple presidential self-aggrandizement. But for whatever cause with Joe, all ends in disaster.  

What’s next? A disastrous fall season?

Perhaps more of us should have listened to Obama.  He knew Joe better than all of us. 

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