Monday, October 4, 2021



The French paper Le Figaro posted an interesting article yesterday (October 2,  2021) “ SARS Covid-2 la bizarreris genetiique qui ailments le soupcon.”   by V. Bordenave.   The post concerns the suspicious origin of the Covid pandemic virus.  

We know quite well that this virus had it’s  origin in Wuhan, China,  but not much else.  The Chinese have not been forthcoming and there are those in powerful positions here in the USA  who it seems would like to keep a lid on this subject as well.  Such reticence invites suspicions.  To add to the mystery, our so called “free American press” has  shunned the topic  as well. 

Thankfully, Le Figaro’s Vincent Bordenave was not shut down by his editor in Paris, and was able to post this piece on the “bizarre genetics” of the SARS COVID 2 virus—and why its unusual  genetics “nourishes suspicion”. 

Bordenave points out that there is a tiny morsel of the Covid genome  called the “furine cleavage site” which confers upon this pandemic virus the unique capacity to readily infect human epithelial cells.  Such a characteristic is known to occur in other viruses, such as the common flu or grippe virus.  But Bordenave points out that the scientific literature has not reported any other member of the SARS Covid-2 family of viruses with such a site.   

Thus the “ soupçon” or suspicion he writes about is the possibility that someone altered or genetically manipulated the framework of a bat Corona virus (which does not have such a site) and slipped in a furine cleavage site to create a completely new and extremely infectious novel virus— a so called chimeric virus.   This alteration of the genetic patterning of the virus could have occurred as  perhaps the result of “gain of function” research. 

Others, particularly the  prominent elements of the USA medical establishment and of course the Chinese, favor another less likely —“nature did it” —origin for the SARS Covid-2.  These  folks have close connections to Chinese virology labs, cushy government jobs, big offices,  submissive doting staffs, million dollar contracts and well established reputations and careers to protect.  Weighed down with these benefits they are less likely to assess the facts  and come to a valid conclusion. 

So we must look elsewhere for the answer to just how this tragedy occurred  how could we prevent a reoccurrence? 

See: “The genetic structure of SARS Covid-2 does not rule out a laboratory origin”.   R. Segreto  and Y Deigin.  In: Bioessays,  Wiley Blackwell.  Subtitle“: “SARS Cov-2 chimeric structure and furin cleavage site might be the result of genetic manipulation.”

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