Thursday, May 30, 2019



The French have a lovely word: “denouement” which literally means  “un knotting” or “un tying a knot”, but has appropriately evolved to signify the “end”, or the “climax when all is made clear”.

In Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s  nine minute press conference  yesterday (May 29 ,2019) Mueller finally untied the knot—and revealed to us all his underlying motives and the corruption at the heart of our democracy.  He has finally made clear to the American public  he is NOT and never was the “straight arrow”, unbiased investigator into the truth he worked so diligently and falsely to establish, but simply another one of the self-serving,  entrenched Washington-establishment elite—the Deep State”— who has been been haughtily and  diligently working since late 2015 to deny the American people their right to express their preferences democratically at the polls.

As Americans of every political persuasion —and whether we support (or supported) Mrs Clinton, Mr. Trump or Bernie Sanders, we should all be deeply concerned that our rights at the ballot box are being eroded and usurped by entrenched elites in high offices in Washington DC who think they know better and have more rights to the direction and leadership of our government than the 63 million voters that cast their ballots in the last election in a way that these un-elected, appointed officials did not like or saw as a threat to their power and prestige.  The Founding Fathers would be aghast at these developments.

What have we learned from these last two years?
The covers over our eyes have fallen away, the knot has been untied, to expose a vast scandal of  collusion and conspiracy—but not with the Russians. The real danger to our governemnt and democracy has slowly evolved over the decades—as a result of too much money, too much power, and too much secrecy, right here in Washington DC.  But in the last few months the whole scheme has been exposed to reveal three phases of political deparavity.

The First Phase.  Elements of the Democrat Party, the Clinton Machine, the media and the Obama Administration conspired to use the powerful and secretive intelligence agencies against US citizens as a means to spy on the inner workings of the Trump campaign. Their aim was to gather information which  would alter the outcome of the 2016 election in favor of the Democrat candidate.  Only in America, with its real power of the ballot box could these powerful Deep State forces be foiled by people voting their preferences. But indeed, as a result of people-power and the Constitution,  the schemes and machinations of these powerful individual and political forces were not successful.

The Second Phase.  When shockingly, the Democrat candidate lost and Mr. Trump was victorious the conspirators turned to a Phase Two.  Called the  “insurance policy” this was a concerted smear campaign by a small cabal of conspirators in the top echelons of the FBI, CIA, and Justice Department. These individuals conspired to leak unverified, purchased, political-opposition research as “intelligence” which was distributed to the media and to foreign governments to set the stage for an eventual  Special Prosecuter (Mr. Mueller) who was tasked to collect information to demonstrate that the election was “rigged” by the Russians working in tandem with the Trump team.

 Mr. Mueller must have discovered in short order that there was no “there there”. The Mueller team found no evidence to support the allegations of Russian colllusion with the Trump team, but continued to ‘slow-walk” the investigation to intentionally weaken and undermine a legitimately elected Administration, and again have its political impact by altering the outcome of the 2018 mid-term elections in favor of the Democrats.   For two years the Mueller Russian collusion investigation was in the news.  It was characterized by surreptitious leaks, inuendo, and misinformation which continued for two years with the intent to undermine the political power of the President and to antagonize and perhaps incite the President into a response  which the Mueller team  could then characterize as “obstruction of justice”. The President, though justifiably angered and irritated did not oblige, and the investigation continued with no interference.   During this perio the President in fact improved his sanding in the  polls and managed to markedly improve the US economy in spite of the actions of the media and conspirators in the Deep State. Finally. Mr. Mueller was forced to publish his over 400 page document in which he had to reveal that he was working a “dry hole” from the start and found no collusion and “no charge of obstruction”.

The Third Phase.  Having failed to get “ their establishment candidate” elected, then failing  in the “insurance policy’ of setting the stage for early impeachment, all that was left for the conspirators in the establishment was to prevent this President from being elected to a second term.  That was Mr. Mueller’s final task, as he revealed in his report and his nine minute preser. His statements were  designed to leave a question mark in the voter’s mind.  Was Mr. Trump guilty of obstruction of justice? Mueller states he “can not obsolve” Trump of guilt”.  It is clear that Mueller  and his co-conspirators have instituted the third and final phase of their attempts at controlling who the American people can elect as their President.

The knot has been untied!

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