Thursday, May 23, 2019


We can all empathize with someone who has had a major  disappointment in their lives. We have all experienced these unhappy events, perhaps the failure to get that first seat in the high school band orchestra, or be cast in the part in the play that you thought should have gone to you, or to have failed to speak French or get that degree you wanted so bad but never got.  We all feel bad for a while, then turn to new challenges and forget it.  The process can lead to growth and be curative.   But not Hillary—she worked hard, suffered, sacrificed, humiliated herself all her life for one goal: to be the ”First Woman President”. and after several attempts it escaped her grasp.  She has not recovered or become more resilient.  Perhaps it is her dysfunctional relationships with men.   

Hillary to this author’s observations has had recurring negative experiences with many of the  men in her life.  Perhaps it explains her lack of graciousness and her persistence in continually attempting to blame her loss on everything but herself, and her insistence on placing the blame on male voters, politicians and even her spouse  .

Most recently these episodes of figuratively  “getting screwed”  by males was a recent incident involving former President Obama.  In an update version of the former president’s  2017 book: “Obama: The Call of History”  written by Peter Baker due out in a few days (May 10, 2019),  author Baker claims that Obama and his team squarely put the blame for the disastrous loss of the 2016 election on Hillary herself.  In the new addition the author claims that the Obama team concluded that in 2016 Hillary could not “ translate his (Obama’s) strong record and healthy economy into a winning message”  Obama was also quoted as saying that Hillary “brought many of her troubles on herself.....No one forced her to take hundreds of thousands of dollars from Goldman Sacs (for speaking fees while  Sec of State),” No one forced her to run a “”soulless, scripted campaign “.  These comments must have hurt. But were only the culmination of a whole series of what Hillary must have interpreted as male abuse. 

Bill Clinton was Hillary’s first male abuser.  At Georgetown University Bill wooed her as an attractive, smart, university colleague, and at some point (perhaps when Hill was not thinking so clearly) Bill got her to agree to marriage. Hillary tied her wagon to an (outwardly) attractive political dynamo who exuded “very ikely to succeed” messages.  She hitched her wagon to Bill Clinton, and tagged along as First Lady for Bill while Governor of Arkansas, then as chief protector and camp supporter of candidate for President Bill and finally as First Lady to Bill Clinton, President of the USA.  During all this time Bill carried on blithely with humiliating and embarrassing “bimbo eruptions”, multiple extramarital flings, casual affairs, gropings,, and even rapes (!) with a long list of  women of every stripe—in the style and at the numeric level of Tiger Woods’ athletic sexual activities.  Hillary stuck by her man through it all.  But perhaps as time went passed not so much for love, but as a result of the Faustian bargain Hillary had sealed with Bill.  It was this: that Hillary, a highly intelligent, intensely ambitions and well-educated woman— would become —at the end— the First Female President of the USA.  Bill would remind her often, as he ducked flying high-heeled shoes and White House crockery aimed at his head, “Remember babe, you are the First Lady who will become the First Woman President!  So you gotta stick with me, don’t mess my face with these missiles, and keep that upper lip stiff!”.  This was Bill’s reminder and promise after every sexual faux pas. Hillary self-servingly accepted the circumstances and the terms and kept the hope of the promised reward.

In the 2008 Presidential campaign Bill and Hillary Clinton fielded  a massive well-oiled “Hillary for President “ organization, headed by the Democrat elite of DC as well as the close support of Bill, a popular and charismatic former President who took into the campaign  with him a formidable political network.  The nomination campaign touted Hillary as a former  First Lady, New York Senator and the “next first female President of the USA”. The powerful, charismatic and popular former President, Bill Clinton was at her side.  

But then, out of volcanic mists swirling down the slopes of Hawaii’s Mount Kilauea, through the windy barrios of Chicago and into the swampy halls of Congress appeared the dark-skinned visage of a tall Afro-American male candidate with an un-presidential sounding  name: Barack Hussein Obama.  A one-term-junior US Senator and former “community organizer” with no money, no powerful connections, and no history of political success miraculously and swiftly swiped the 2008 Democrat presidential nomination from Hillary’s two-fisted grasp. 

Upon taking his prize, Hillary extracted a promise from the upstart African-American.  In return for her critical support in the general election (from hysterically disappointed women voters) Obama would have to promise to set the stage for Hillary’s return as the next Democrat presidential nominee in 2016. 

Don’t fret Senator Clinton, I will serve two terms as the “First Black President” and during those years I will act as your conduit to becoming the “First Woman President”.  It’s a deal.  In fact I’’ll nominate up  you  Secretary of State so you will be touted as the most “well-prepared candidate for the Oval Office” that ever was nominated.  “Think of it, he added waxing eloquent and more excited,  “you are a well-trained attorney, you served as  First Lady for eight years, then as US Senator, AND in my administration you will serve as Secretary of State for another eight years.   With all those years of experience  you will be a shoo in—and I promise to give you every possible support, even over all others”, he added.

The tall slim black candidate put both hands on Mrs Clinton’s shoulders. She looked up and could see a tiny glint of a tear in his dark eyes.   Her instinctive distrust of males was almost overwhelmed by this man’s seeming genuine performance and promise.  But she had too many bad experiences—significant doubt remained.  

As per plan, Hillary went on to serve in the State Department as Secretary of State where she worked diligently, not for the Nation, but for her sure-to-come presidential campaign of 2016.  Part of her plan was to make certain that plenty of funds were funneled into  the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).  The CGI was a transparent and blatant ‘pay for play” scheme designed,  first to fill the bank accounts of the Clintons as recompense for their many years of paltry pay on the government dole. During her tenure as Secretary of State (SS) Hillary raked in “pay for play” money from all comers—Russians, Chinese, Saudi sheiks, Ukrainian politicians , etc. etc. to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Near the end of her tenure at State the CGI;s coffers were overflowing with foreign money.  But besides being the perfect sexual playground for Bill Clinton CGI also served as a convenient  holding ground for her team of elite and well-paid future campaign gofers, advisors and stalwarts.  But she was well aware that she could  not mix  her illegal “family CGI business activity” with those of her duties as the nation’s chief foreign policy officer.  She was well aware of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) which permits disclosure of any documents that are controlled by the US government.   As a consequence of her dual (secret ) functions  she made this decision—she would rather be accused of breaking protocols which required her to use only government emails and servers than giving up on the cash hauls she was making for the CGI.  She needed a private email account and a private server which would be devoted to her “pay for play” activities and which  would permit her to hide her “personal” activities for the CGI from prying government eyes and from the FOIA.  The CGI served not only as a source of political power, and ready cash, but also as a means of keeping a trained and well paid political staff on the payroll ready for the 2016 race, these facts would have to be kept secret.  

All went according to plan as Obama finally left office...he dutifully acted as a (secret) supporter of Hillary.  As the time came close he even discouraged his VP (Joe Biden) the traditional person to pick up the mantle of the next presidential candidate. Joe got a cold shoulder, and was eventually cut off at the knees.  After-all Obama did have a “pact” with Hillary.  

But there was another near “screw job” by males in the offing for poor Hillary.  That occurred when an old, white-haired, Brooklyn-born male Senator, one  Bernie Sanders, a Socialist back-bencher who had been lurking around the radical fringes of Congress for decades entered the Democrat campaign against Hillary.  Bernie with no money, no endorsements and no connections had the nerve— to put himself up against front-runner Hillary Bernie the socialist beat Clinton in popularity. He  almost  pulled the 2016 nomination ring right out of the haughty coronated candidate Clinton’s  desperate grasp.  Except for the underhanded slimy actions of the powerful Clinton machine Bernie might have done her in like Obama had in 2008.  But Bernie did not have the fire in the belly to do it.  Perhaps he was only playing the candidate game for his own gratification.  When he blurted out “ I don’t care about your ——emails” we all knew it was over for Bernie.      

Hillary with the help of her female supports she prevailed over Sanders and  was already  planning on how she was going to redecorate the Oval Office with softer more floral patterns, and finally rid the room of the macho statuary, and that vicious-looking Bald Eagle in the center of the Oval Office rug,  when disaster struck in the form of another male.

This new threat came in the form of a seemingly buffoonish, billionaire business man and TV personality who sported a dyed-blonde  flop over  hair style.  Under the hair he had absolutely no experience as a professional politician.  Donald Trump had paid off plenty of politicians for favors —even Hillary—but had never been one.  He had never been elected to anything—not even a high school class office.  He was used to starting at the very top when he announced his candidacy  for President of the USA as he descended the escalator in his own Trump Tower in NY City. 

The pollsters all consistently showed Trump as the clear underdog—the best poll-numbers he ever made was his 40% to Hillary’s 70%.   The Irish odds-makers gave the election to Clinton.  All the pollsters, save one—a tracking poll from California—were certain Clinton was going to walk into the Oval Office in a tidal wave win.  

Obama and his CIA and FBI heads conspired to make sure that Clinton won by using dirt dished out by pro-western Ukrainian and Russian sources and presenting the dirt as if it was actual foreign service “intelligence”. They used this opposition research to mislead a FISA court so as to spy on the political opposition—the Trump campaign.  The conspirators all expected Hillary to win and for them to get a pat on the back and perhaps a plum position in the new administration,  

Then another male abuser came along—in the tall awkward form of FBI Director James Comey.  It was Director Comeys turn to abuse poor Hilary.   Just a short time before the election and after a long but phony investigation  Comey announced that he could not bring charges against her for her allegedly criminal use of her private email server (a means to be able to secretly funnel “pay for play money” into her husband’s Clinton Global Initiative slush fund).  But he added a damaging remark claiming that Clinton was “extremely careless”.  Then a short time later even closer to Election Day  Comey took an even more egregious step, he reopened the same old “email investigation” when he caromed that new evidence came to light.  Perhaps Comey was just hedging his bets—what if Clinton lost? He needed to curry favor with both candidates.  So Clinton got the screw job again. 

 The media harbored an intense hostility to candidate Trump and wrote the “news’ and opinion pieces as if they were one in the same. They made no effort to conceal their deep bias.  The entire establishment opposed Trump, the media, the old guard Republicans opposed him, Democrats laughed at him, Hollywood parodied him, TV hosts made jokes,  Past Republican presidents shunned him. 

Trump was all on his own.  His only supporters were the people.  Trump’s massive rallies  held in “fly over country” and the “rust belt” states where locals poured in—filling the huge venues to overcapacity while often leaving milling crowds outside. 

Trump was his blustery-self in the Presidential debates. While the super-prepared and overly-scripted Clinton who haughtily dismissed Trump supporters ( a good part of the electorate) as “irredeemable” God fearing, gun toting, red necks won the debates on points cheered by the elite and the press, but she could not score a knockout blow.  The night before the election all but a few of GOP hopeful supporters in the rust belt and countryside thought that Trump  was slated for a major loss.  

But again a man denied her her long sought and fondest wish.  In the morning mists we learned that the nation rejected Mrs Clinton-the  “best prepared” female presidential candidate that was ever nominated.  

Clinton her hatred of all men reinforced and assured descended into deep depression—to continue her unpatriotic “resistance” movement. 



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